By: Theresa H. McDevitt
Astrology is the oldest science known to man. From primitive cultures to Biblical scholars, all used the science of the stars to direct every aspect of life on Earth. The ancient Mesopotamian world lived precariously beneath the open sky. The human spirit was almost totally dominated by an upper world of apparently infinite resources. Gradually, they became aware of the predictable movement of the 7 visible bodies (the 7 “wonderers” mentioned in the Bible) inclusive of sun and moon, against the starry background of the 12 principal constellations around the ecliptic.
The ancient scientists were astute observers and mathematicians. They saw that events in the sky ran a pattern that exerted a strong influence on their lives. They named the 12 months of the year after the 12 Zodiac signs according to their image, and the 7 days of the week after the 7 visible planets. They used the cyclical science of the stars to figure out Earth’s seasons, calendars, time of eclipses, length of the year, Equinoxes, and general cosmology.
These prolific ancient astrological scientists called Prophets, Wise Men or Holy Men, were able to map out time and space to the precise calculations still in use today by Astronomy (anatomy of the stars), and Astrology (the logic of the stars). Astrology is an art and a science. It combines the physical, astronomical, and mathematical facts with the metaphysical, philosophical, psychological, intuitive, and theoretical aspects of cosmology. Its symbolic language helps us to decipher our place in the world and how life on Planet Earth functions.
INFINITE SPIRIT OR CREATION set in motion a Universe on its own trajectory, a well-organized automatic system of cosmic energy, evolution and cycles where everything happens accordingly and on schedule. The rest is up to the FREE WILL of the human spirit, level of awareness, cognitive capacity, in addition to environmental influences.
Astrology will always remain the science of the past, present and specially the future, as humanity continues to progress and evolve. ENJOY THE EXPERIENCE.
Author: Theresa H. McDevitt (Published 2012 WITH UPDATES to 2025 and beyond)
One of the main lessons learned by astrology students is that there are no coincidences. The magnificent and precise planetary system explains what is happening at any given time, for whatever is born at any time has the qualities of that moment and time. History repeats every time Pluto returns to the same sign. Its previous position in Capricorn (1762-78) was during the first Tea Party of 1773. Pluto is back in Capricorn (2008-2024), and now we have the Tea Party Movement that began with the election of President Obama in 2008. Religious connotations and other unforeseen factors concerning both Tea Party movements, including the connection to the GOP, are clearly reflected in the birth charts. For a better understanding it is important to first explore some background history.
The name “Tea Party” is a reference to the Boston Tea Party of 1773, a protest by colonists who objected to a British tax on tea. Dressed as Native Americans demonstrated by dumping British tea into the harbor; the tea was taken from docked ships. The British taxation led to the revolutionary War of Independence in 1776. Besides the hardship of taxes on hardworking people who were merely trying to survive, there was the fact that most colonists were God-fearing, devout believers in the Bible who had escaped Europe’s religious persecution. They identified with the Hebrew prophets who also had been persecuted and overtaxed by the Romans during those Biblical times. Thus, one of the main messages in the Bible is that taxes are evil and must be rejected. Tax exemption on religious institutions in America is a law and a tradition.
The issue of taxes has remained the most important one in every American political campaign in addition to abortion or women’s rights. The Christian pro-life issue is another Biblical misinterpretation derived from the prophets’ advice to “choose life” when referring to reincarnation principles. Thus, Christianity in America has been at odds with the liberal-democratic part of the government system that protects human rights and taxes the wealthy to help the less-fortunate. The Church believes it should be the only recipient of public charity and thereby, the only authority assigned to provide the moral values and needs of the downtrodden. They are also afraid to lose the tax-exempt status now that most of them have become millionaires, such as Evangelical organizations. Every time a Democrat becomes president religious fears intensify, especially with the election of the first Black President.
The original Boston Tea Party occurred December 16, 1773, around 11:00 pm, in Boston, Massachusetts. The Tea Party movement was originally registered as Chicago Tea in August 2008 by a radio producer for a conservative talk show host. On February 19, 2009 (time unknown), after a broadcast rant against the Obama administration, the video of his tirade became a YouTube hit and thus the movement was officially born.
BOSTON TEA PARTY CHART: Appropriately born with a Virgo Ascendant that represents the working people, this Ascendant is conjunct Neptune-Saturn-North Node and part of a dynamic T-square with the Sun. It depicts people of fundamental beliefs under hardship conditions who were willing to do whatever it took to achieve independence. This is supported by Mars-Mercury square Jupiter. Neptune in the picture explains the disguise as American Indians. The Grand trine from Uranus and Pluto to the Virgo conjunction made it all possible. The Uranus-Pluto cycle always marks the time for major social, political, and economic changes.
COMPARISON OF OLD AND NEW TEA PARTIES: Placing the chart of the new Tea Party outside the chart of the Boston Tea Party shows the amazing connections between the two, suggesting that one picks up where the other left off. Saturn again in Virgo, opposite Uranus, triggers the original dynamic T-square in the Boston Tea Party chart, while Pluto also triggers it by its conjunction to Mars-Mercury, square Jupiter in the Boston Tea Party. The conjunction of Mercury-North Node-Jupiter-Mars in the Tea Party chart conjoins the Moon and Venus of the Boston Tea Party chart. The fact that the new Tea Party has the Sun in Pisces with Neptune square the Boston Tea Party Uranus indicates hidden and unpredictable motives and purposes are at play. Contrary to the first Tea Party that was united on a single purpose, the new movement adheres to multiple conflicting purposes creating confusion and uncertainty. Most followers are only motivated by religion (Evangelical Christians) while remaining attached to the Republican Party. Other followers have been misled into thinking the movement is strictly about eradicating government corruption; others are simply Libertarians against any type of government; and yet, others are also deluded into thinking they could use the movement to form a new and more progressive political party. This will be better understood after analyzing the impact of the Tea Party on the Republican Party.
REPUBLICAN PARTY: Before the Republican Party came into existence, there were Democrats and Whigs. The first public meeting where the name “Republican” was suggested for a new anti-slavery party was held on March 20, 1854, at a schoolhouse in Ripon, Wisconsin. The time is unknown, but 12:00 pm always works well on non-human entities, such as organizations, cities, etc. This party came into being under the platform of the non-expansion of slavery, a purely Northern major political party positioned squarely against the Southern slave power. Southern states held a grudge by remaining Democrat, which lasted until the Kennedy administration and the Civil Rights movement when they shifted to Republican.
Sun, Venus, and Neptune in Pisces could testify to the original compassionate purpose against the oppression of slavery, but Neptune square Sagittarius Moon shows misguided idealism, and a conflict involving philosophies and beliefs. The mutable Grand-cross involving Venus, Mars, Saturn, and Nodes indicates duality of intention and purpose. The paradoxical nature of Pisces can be highly empathic, as well as deceptive. Pisces can give the wrong impression because it is never what it appears to be. It is also prone to confusion and fear of disintegration thus to feel secure and in control it can desperately latch onto anything that represents power. Hence, Pisces finds refuge in religion through which it can also actualize the need to create fantasies, illusions, and delusions in the search for meaning and purpose.
The new Republican Party drew its main support from the most densely populated and industrialized areas of the country. A Uranus-Pluto conjunction, trine Mars marked the right time for constructive action towards major revolutionary changes. This is the cycle that marked the unset of the Industrial Revolution and gave birth to the American capitalistic system. The first American family dynasties and business empires that were established at the time, which have continued to expand and evolve, are still at the core of corporate America, and still hold a close relationship to the “Grand Old Party.”
The Republican Party was also given the name “the party of business.” This is explained by Saturn trine Jupiter, the aspect of high ambition and business success, in the productive and conservative signs of Taurus and Capricorn, indicative of support to and from wealthy industrialists. These were the business moguls that sought to benefit from the cheap labor that freed slaves from the south represented.
GOP-TEA PARTY TEAM: The fact that the Tea Party has taken over the GOP is clearly confirmed by placing the planets of the Tea Party around the Republican chart. The Sun of the Tea Party in Pisces, conjunct GOP’s Venus, triggers the mutable Grand-cross bringing new light to the party by stimulating innate mental, religious, and philosophical vulnerabilities. The Saturn-Uranus opposition (2008-09 that gave the Tea Party the initial impetus to organize, forms a T-square to the GOP Moon indicating emotional tensions and stresses in the process of unifying forces.
It did not take long for these two entities to realize they could use each other to accomplish their aims. During the 2010 midterm elections against President Obama, religious organizations invested heavily getting the Tea Partiers elected to the Republican Congress. Ever since then, the new Evangelical Republican Party began to enforce their extreme political objectives of blocking any possible democratic agenda.
The Aquarius stellium of five planets and North Node impacting the Republican eighth house of joint values, resources, and taxes, depict a diverse group of revolutionaries determined to drastically change these matters. They also gave the GOP the new name of “Social Conservatives” (a new disguise for Evangelical Christians) although nothing could represent the term social conservatism better than this Aquarius stellium that includes Jupiter. The T-square from the Aquarius stellium to the GOP Uranus-Pluto is a major challenge to the old values, as it forces a new powerful joint venture.
The success of the joint venture is explained by two favorable Grand-trines between the two entities (ease, luck, support, rapport): The Tea Party Moon-Pluto conjunction, trine GOP Mars, and Pluto (unifying influential power lays the groundwork toward major transformations), the Tea Party Saturn trine GOP Jupiter and Uranus (ambitious and optimistic changes for mutual benefit and advancement).
The charts confirm what has been obvious so far; the great majority in the Tea Party and the Republican Party make a formidable team for mutual benefit. They share the same objectives to repeal Healthcare Reform, the same basic ideological principles in favor of limited government ruled by the Bible, and corporations ruled by themselves. The rest of the people are on their own, perhaps at the mercy of the church (the way it was before the Great Depression).
All the above is supported by the mid-point composite between these two entities (chart included). Sun-Venus in Pisces (idealistic compatible relation), united by a Grand Trine to Mars and Saturn (lucky emotional, spiritual, and business connection). The triple conjunction of Mercury- Neptune-Pluto in Pisces depicts strong ideological beliefs prone to self-delusion and dreams for ultimate power. However, once the rest of the diversified followers realize they do not share the same extremist backward ideological objectives, the numbers in the movement will start to dwindle.
Eventually, a new progressive independent political party will assemble and move the country forward into the new age of secularism and social diversity. Major leaps of change in the system may not be possible until after transiting Pluto’s transformational power begins to activate the last ten degrees of the conservative sign Capricorn (2017-24). The ongoing transits provide more insights on the immediate future:
UPDATE 2011-13: Currently transiting Neptune is conjunct the Sun of the Tea Party and the Venus of the Republican Party activating the mutable Grand-square they both share. Neptune’s magical dust of deception will continue to be poured upon them ultimately leading to confusion, disappointment, and disillusionment. Meanwhile, wacky Uranus conjunct the Republican Mercury will continue to entertain with its theatrical and outrageous charade of GOP/Tea Party characters.
At the end of 2012, Saturn in Scorpio begins to square the Aquarius stellium, thus pulling its reigns on all the Aquarius planets of the Tea Party for about two years. In addition, the mighty Uranus-Pluto square that promotes revolutionary changes by forcing disengagement from outmoded structures, will be affecting the Venus (values) of the Tea Party until 2015. By this time, Saturn at 27+ Scorpio begins to instigate a turning-point for the Republican Party with the opposition to its natal Saturn, just before it gets to Sagittarius and begins to activate the mutable Grand-square. At this point, Saturn also begins to square the Sun of the Tea Party. Up to this time, the movement might be able to retain its influential power over the GOP, other than that, it looks like Saturn will finish the job thus the days are numbered for the Tea Party (they assumed the new name of “Christian Nationalists”).
America is in for an exciting roller coaster ride and astrology is the only method capable of explaining the mysterious forces behind the spinning axis. After running a campaign of lies, deception, and religious implications threatening Women's Rights and favoring the very wealthy, the Republican Party lost the 2012 elections. The self-delusion and denial promoted by transiting Neptune conjunct natal GOP Venus, conjunct Tea Party’s natal Sun and conjunct the composite Sun between their presidential team (Romney-Ryan), left them in a complete state of shock. They had expected to win by a landslide. The GOP/Tea Party was expecting an elusive victory all the way to the end. They were so enfolded by the Neptunian fog they could not accept facts or failure.
The Tea-Evangelical Party is still in control of the House of Representatives thus when standing for religious principles there is no compromising. They still hope to dismantle the democratic system of government. Thus, while the Tea Party's objective is to protect the power of religion over the people, the GOP's objective is to protect corporations and the wealthy. But, If the GOP expects to hold on to future power, they will have to separate from their extreme ideological partners. This will not be easy if they remain under Neptune's self-delusion. In the meantime, the Democratic Party will have to fight harder to protect Democracy and the public. The masses are no longer willing to be repressed or oppressed, especially by outmoded religious/authoritarian regimes.
UPDATE (The shutdown spectacle):
On October 1, 2013, the same day the Affordable Care Act was scheduled to begin, the Republican Party led by the Tea Partiers revealed their true colors when they shut down the federal government demanding to defund or delay the healthcare law. The far right does not believe President Obama or the Democrats have any right to govern at all, thus they deem perfectly acceptable refusing to raise the debt ceiling to undo the results of democratic elections. In their ideological crusade to dismantle government and deny affordable health insurance to millions of Americans, they held hostage the national economy until October 17, 2013, at an estimated cost of $24+ billion. While they sabotaged the health-care reform and affected basically everyone by damaging the economy putting nine million mothers and children at-risk of starvation and death, these congressional bullies continued to receive their salaries and other privileges.
(The previous shutdown of 1995-96 during the Clinton administration cost around $2 billion in today’s dollars, not including the lost value of work or the $300 million the federal parks would have taken in or the reduced pace of IRS audits. So called Conservatives, who constantly complain against federal food assistance programs for the hungry do not seem to be in the least concerned about the loss of revenue brought about by the unnecessary government shutdowns, especially when a democrat occupies the White House. Those who pride themselves as “patriots” do not seem to care how much they hurt the country if they hurt Democrats).
After the madness of the past few weeks congressional lawmakers negotiated a last-minute plan to reopen the government and raise the debt ceiling, the U.S. averted a historic default on its debts for the first time in history. It is obvious to astrologers that transiting Saturn at 11 Scorpio, positioned at a sharp 90-degree angle, square to the Tea Partiers’ natal and progressed Mercury, N/Node, Jupiter, and Mars in Aquarius was the catalyst that forced the GOP to surrender while transiting Mars opposite natal Sun triggered the action.
The natal Aquarius stellium of planets in the 9th house (law, religion, ethnicity) is evident of a new breed of angry rebels taking up where the Old Confederacy left off. In 1860, it was the end of slavery that the rebel states feared; today it is universal access to health care. The resentful majority whites that make up the Tea Party view themselves as besieged by minorities seeking free benefits threatening their way of life. It is no coincidence that states most opposed to Obamacare are also instituting voter ID laws designed to keep poor minorities from voting. To the soldiers of this New Confederacy the Civil War never ended.
Transiting Saturn square to all the planets in Aquarius will continue to hold back the Tea Party’s racist hysteria from fulfilling their goals throughout its sojourn in Scorpio until 2015. The struggle will continue as Saturn goes into Sagittarius 2015-17 and begins to square the natal Sun and Uranus. Meanwhile, from November 2013 to the summer of 2014 the progressed Moon will be conjunct natal and progressed Sun, which are still under Neptune’s magical dust of deception.
This aspect promises to intensify the delusional religious zeal of Tea Partiers and promote the initiative of a new scheme. The conjunction from transiting Neptune to the Sun of the Tea Party and the Venus of the Republican Party has been the contributing factor for their delusional and misguided intentions and actions. The main characters among them genuinely believe they are on a special mandate from God to bring down the U.S. democratic government as the final requirement to “the end times” and Jesus’ return. The healthcare reform debacle is simply the smoking gun to camouflage their true delusional motivations.
The Tea Party’s ideological crusade will continue because religious zealots never compromise and never give up. Due to their attachment to the GOP, they could remain in office in 2014 by their misguided followers and the scheme of redistricting, but their power will continue to dwindle by the limiting and adverse effects brought about by the Saturn squares. The Grand Old Party is confronted by a great dilemma; either they take back control of their party and readjust to the social demands, or they may eventually go down together with their extremist counterpart.
Spending on social programs is not what is destroying USA power; the corporate monopoly that favors the greedy 1%, buys politicians, sends jobs overseas for higher profits and destroys the environment is more to blame, these are the real enemies of America. All empires come to an end after unnecessary over-reaching and over-extending of power. The Iraq War-occupation did more damage to the country in terms of spending and creating more enemies than any social program ever could.
Presidential Election 2016 heralds’ turbulent times as the Tea Partiers and Republicans struggle for power. The party of big business cannot wait to finish the job of handing over to the corporations what is left of government. They will pull out every trick in the book and do whatever it takes, knowing it might be their last chance before the masses wake up and demand justice. Unfortunately, matters must get unbelievably bad before people are ready to react. The GOP has been on a relentless quest to undue “The New Deal” ever since President F. D. Roosevelt signed it into law in 1930’s.
Presidential Election 2020: The USA will experience a major political turning-point with the Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto triple conjunction activating the natal U.S. Pluto in Capricorn. Pluto’s first return to its original position since the Revolutionary War of Independence from the British/Christian monarchy in 1776, will mark a significant turning point in U.S. history. Pluto in Capricorn gave USA the system of self-government that created the most successful and wealthiest democracy in the world. By this time, the system has been corrupted and is no longer “by the people, for the people, with liberty and justice for all.” The question remains, will the American people be ready to take back their government from the new Corporate/Christian Monarchy?
If this new monarchy has its way, they will do away with social security, healthcare programs, and the churches will oversee the basic social services. However, USA and the new world are not supposed to go backwards against the forward forces of the universe without suffering perilous consequences. An epic time for the country is expected to begin in 2022-24 when transiting Pluto starts its official conjunction to U.S. natal and progressed Pluto. At the same time, transiting Neptune gets ready to conjunct the Sun of the Republican Party for the second time since it was established. The energy of Neptune promotes lessons in humility. Its effect is nebulous and slow, thus by the time the unenlightened souls notice, the rug has been pulled from under them to make room for more sympathy and humanity.
The future of Democratic Capitalism is uncertain as the Pisces Age of religious persecution and victimization comes to an end. The future Aquarius Age of people power will supersede the worshiping of lords and masters. No one will be able to stop the age of reason and social humanism that is at hand; either we all progress together or we will all perish. The universe demands the kind of change that moves forward, thus new progressive forms of government are in the horizon marked by Pluto’s new cycle into Aquarius (2024-43), which precedes the official beginning of the New Aquarius Age during the cycle of Pluto in Aries (2066-96).
FOLLOW-UP TO AMERICAN TEA PARTIES – Published 2022 (Recollection/Prognostications):
Neptune has a cycle of 164-68 years. The latest religious revival began in earnest upon Neptune’s return to Pisces in 2011-25. The previous time it was in its own sign 1847-61, an American Baptist preacher created the Millerites Evangelist Movement predicting the second coming of Christ. After many failed prophetic dates that spread widely and believed by many, it led to the “Great Disappointment.” These events paved the way for the Adventists who formed the Seventh-day religion. Evangelists are again consumed in another intense millennial expectation fever of “The End Times.”
As stated above in the original article, from November 2013 to summer of 2014 the Tea Party’s progressed Moon proceeded to conjunct natal and progressed Sun in Pisces. It all happened while they were under Neptune’s magical dust of deception, powerful in its own sign.
The new Republican-Tea Party’s religious and racist hysteria struggle continued and intensified in 2015 upon arrival of the great deceiver and sociopath Trump, running as a Republican for U.S. President willing to do whatever it takes for power, fame, and fortune. The radical far-right of the Republican Party finally found the leader they waited for. This was the opportunity to fulfill their longtime dream of taking over the U.S. Government and turn it into an old-time Autocratic Theocracy. During his first month in office, the new president fulfilled the promise he made to Evangelist preachers to destroy the 1954 Johnson Amendment officially and totally; the law that threatened religious nonprofit organizations to lose tax-exempt status if political involvement and profiteering.
Not only did the great deceiver and dictator wannabe assume the 2017 presidency, but he also took ownership of the entire GOP turning it into the MAGA Party, backed and financed mostly by the modern millionaire Evangelist corporations (Mega Churches from Texas and around the country fighting to preserve tax-exempt status). In addition, the old Christian White Supremist Militia under the new name of Q-Annon to remain anonymous, joined the MAGA Movement, also known as “Christian Nationalists.” Thus, the U.S. Constitutional Wall separating church and state has crumbled and unlimited political religious contributions have multiplied. Obviously, the ominous Evangelist Movement in America has grown through leaps and bounds, powerful enough to attain their selfish aims.
Even more tragically, the new partnership of Evangelists and White Supremacists awakened the old Medieval Christian-antisemitic propaganda against Jewish people. Again, they resurfaced the old convenient accusation of having killed Jesus. The crusade to persecute Jews began by the Romans when they established the new religion of Christendom after the fall of the empire. The frustration of not being able to convert Jews to the new interpretations of the scriptures originally written by their people, compelled them to create a prejudice cancer that spread throughout the world. This unfair Christian propaganda against Jews has been used as a camouflage to hide Christianity’s own wrong doings. After over 2,000 years they are still spreading the cancer of prejudice, especially in America, the largest congregation of Christianity left in the world. The new team of Republicans, Evangelists and Q-Annon Christian Crusaders are also persecuting all the people they consider non-Whites and/or non-Christians to hold on to power. They ignore the fact that sooner or later such a cancerous disease ends up killing its host.
INSURRECTION 1-6-2021: When the hard-nosed, no-compromise ideological MAGA lost the 2020 election they refused to accept the loss. On January 6, 2021, led by the great deceiver who concocted THE BIG LIE insisting he was the winner, even after multiple investigations and re-counts, they plotted and executed the most destructive and violent insurrection against the U.S. government in history. America’s blind followers remain under the foggy cloud of illusive Neptune. There is so much false and fraudulent misinformation, people are confused and do not know what to believe anymore, while others are in complete denial.
The Covid-19 virus pandemic is also a Neptunian effect that exposes the humanistic decay, the lack of empathy and humility and the causes of darkness. Tragically, the virus is being used to undermine the new democratic administration. Darkness will persist if the leader of the failed coup to undue a legitimate election, supported by his corrupt congressional cohorts, continue to spread the lie. If Republican lawmakers are the lawbreakers and not held accountable, it will be the end of America as we know it.
The only way to come out the dark tunnel of bigotry, division, false promises, selfishness, and unrealistic visions is by reaching out for enlightenment (coming out of the dark). The LIGHT at the end of the tunnel is about TRUTH through education, free thinking, love, science, diversity, and the brotherhood of man regardless of race, nationality, social status or belief system, the higher side of Neptune and Jupiter, ruler and co-ruler of Pisces. The cycle of Neptune in Pisces is meant to accelerate this process. Unfortunately, sometimes it takes darkness and sorrow to grow spiritually.
USA NATAL CHART: All the basic qualities of Sagittarius are represented in the Sagittarius rising sign depicting the fundamental personality of this country: A nation of immigrants, all nationalities and religions, the land of opportunity, with liberty and justice for all, strong faith, and optimism with emphasis on God, sports, the law, status, travel, adventure, and insatiable urge for more, bigger and better. The rising sign of any entity depends on its birthtime and locality. The accuracy of this birth was tragically confirmed on September 11, 2001, by the Pluto-Saturn opposition at 12 degrees Sagittarius-Gemini, marking Pluto’s first conjunction to America’s rising sign. This powerful event unleashed destructive forces threatening worldwide peace and stability. Ethnic and religious conflicts, war and genocide forced massive migrations of refugees; thus, the world and USA have never been the same and will never be again.
The year 2020 was another crucial one for the world and specially for USA with long-lasting ramifications. The powerful Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn began a new 35–40-year cycle of breakdown and rebuilding, impacting 2nd and 8th houses in U.S. natal chart (values, joint resources), exactly opposite Mercury in 8th (death), ruler of U.S. 9th and 7th Houses (religion, laws, open enemies).
On 12-21-20, also impacting 2nd and 8th Houses, the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction began its new 20-year cycle at 0.29 Aquarius. This is the infamous cycle purposively responsible for the “Presidential Curse” that brings damage to the country and/or death of the president. The greatest damage to the nation has already been done by the twice impeached, one term, anti-constitutional pathological liar, narcissist loser president, aided by the corrupt and deluded Evangelical Tea Partiers in congress, who instigated the 1-6-21 vicious insurrection. This conjunction also initiated Saturn’s crucial passage over all natal and progressed Aquarius planets of the Tea Party until 2023 (responsibility test).
More violence is expected if the sore-loser previous President Trump and his blind-followers continue the misleading propaganda to destroy American Democracy. Organized religion was a product of the Pisces Age that began before the birth of Christ. As the Age comes to an end, the American Evangelist Movement has become a powerful cult determined to take over U.S. Government. Their illusive quest became evermore intense as soon as the U.S. Sun progressed into Pisces, which also coincided with the Iraq war-invasion by then President G.W. Bush. Evangelists were also mostly responsible for his two terms in office after declaring himself a “Born-again Christian.”
The movement became even more intense as soon as transiting Neptune began to conjunct progressed U.S. Sun in Pisces, opposite U.S. Neptune in Virgo, in the 9th house (law, religion, ethnic concepts). The new Evangelical Republican Congress were able to fill the Supreme Court with compatible judges and implemented religious laws in many states against women’s rights and educational books. They are also establishing vote-suppression laws against minority groups, as well as placing their blind-followers in all strategic positions around the country that will guarantee them winning elections. The outcome is yet to come 2024-25 after Pluto’s first return and final conjunction to natal U.S. Pluto, while transiting Neptune leaves its own sign with a conjunction to the Republican Party’s natal Sun at 29 Pisces. These powerful events could be the catalysts determining the survival of Democracy.
The Autocratic Evangelist Movement against USA Democracy has acquired a new supporter in the infamous Russian President Vladimir Putin, whom they claim brought Christianity back to Russia. Unfortunately, they are ignoring the fact that President Putin’s main objective is to destroy the competition. Every time there is a democratic administration in America, he begins a vicious campaign to undermine it. Russia was the main instrumental force against the U.S. Democrat candidate in 2016 elections. Like Republican candidates, Putin is also using religion and nationalism as political tools.
Ex-president Trump has a lot in common with the Russian leader; it explains the reason the U.S. Republican Evangelist Movement chose him as their leader. This time, the new well-organized Christian Crusaders are using the Media and Internet to persecute and destroy non-followers with job losses and death threats to their entire families. They also have the help of the Q-Annon previously known as, the KKK White Supremist Militia, that used to burn Black homes and churches but are now targeting Black colleges with bomb threats and immigrants at the southern border. They are also planning to intimidate voters in future elections with the use of firearms.
All the political information and events presented in the above recollection can be verified and confirmed by actual video records, independent media, government, and private organizations dedicated to preserve the integrity and security of the greatest 246 (2022) experiment in Democracy known as THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
The ancient astrological scientists known as PROPHETS, discovered thousands of years ago; The Universal Planetary System was divinely created for the benefit of humanity. Astrological knowledge provides the proven facts and perfect timing of planetary influences upon the world without which, only non-reliable statistics or suppositions exist. Although precise planetary cyclical predictability is predestined, humanity’s FREE WILL and level of awareness can modify destiny. Hence, Neptune’s return to Pisces obviously propelled reemergence of the current extremist ideological movement, but its survival will be decided by most Americans; between division and chaos or the unity and freedoms Democracy has to offer.
Significant changes are expected in 2025 after Neptune begins a new cycle in Aries; Uranus starts a new one in Gemini where it was in 1776 during the War of Independence; and Pluto begins a new cycle in Aquarius, as it did in 1777 after the war, followed by the signing of the USA Constitution on September 17, 1787. The return of major cycles to original positions offers epic opportunities to reexamine past results to make more positive improvements for the future.
PLUTO’S CYCLE OF 248-250 YEARS: In 2006, some astronomers decided to demote Pluto from the 9th planet from the Sun to one of the five “dwarf planes” on account of its size. Astrologers, whose research goes beyond physical appearances, are aware of the powerful influence Pluto exerts upon humanity and the world. Pluto’s energy has to do with transformation and regeneration. Its cycle has been related to the length of time World Empires have held on to power. Downfall signs begin to be evident ahead with lingering effects afterwards. China is showing signs of wanting to replace USA as the next World Empire. But the world will always look up to USA as the perfect example of Democracy the world has ever known.
UPDATE 2020-32: The return of Pluto back to its position at the birth of USA, explains the present political turmoil the country is experiencing at the verge of another Civil War. This turning point might continue until March 2032, with Pluto’s first return to where it was at the signing of the Constitution. This is another major event with the possibility of new amendments to the U.S. Constitution. Changes will be mainly depended on the will of the people and the politics in power at the time. The question remains……… Will America be ready to fight for Democracy again?
(For more on the present, past and future refer to my books: The Cosmic Hourglass of Life and Why History Repeats. For those who are not familiar with the symbolic language of astrology, Defining Relationships Astrologically presents a simplified method for easy learning and teaching in addition to astrological translations of the Bible’s chapter of Revelations, originally written in the astrological tong).
Autor: Theresa H. McDevitt (Published MAY 6, 2021)
Everyone and everything born on planet Earth has a birth map with the qualities of that moment in time and place. Using the SCIENCE OF THE STARS (astrology), the prolific ancient scientists discovered this fact from the beginning of civilization. These first scientists were able to map out time and space to the precise calculations still in use today by Astronomers.
In 190-120 BC, Hipparchus, the first scientist to make systematic use of trigonometry, calculated the times of eclipses, the length of the year, and the precession of the Equinoxes. Through observation of planetary cycles, they figured out earth’s seasons, calendars, named the 12 months of the year after the 12 signs of the zodiac and the 7 days of the week after the 7 visible planets including the sun and moon.
Modern astronomers, in their tireless effort to separate from astrology, continue to see the planets as devoid of meaning and purpose. The philosophy of denial began with the advent of the Pisces Age of uncertainty and bondage over 2,000 years ago. The ancient astrological scientists studied the heavens and concluded the universe was divinely created by God. In contrast, religion was created by the Romans from the writings they seized from the Hebrew Prophets and used religion for power and control of the multitudes. But the Age of emotional submission due to blind devotion to religious beliefs in God’s name, based on fear and division, is now on its final stage of the exuberant fight for survival.
Pisces is ruled by Neptune, the planet of illusion, delusion, and dissolution, which also influences our spiritual life as inspiration and illumination practiced by the ancient astrological scientists. Neptune has a cycle of 164-68 years. When Neptune is in its own sign as it is now (2011-2025), the main energies of Pisces are exulted. However, in an unevolved and materialistic society the negative manifestations of the sign are emphasized (depression, loss, sadness, confusion, chaos, sickness, disappointment, deceit, defeat, malice, imagination, phantasy, and other mystical or irrational fears).
Neptune was in Pisces (1520-34) during the ravaging plague of Variola in Europe and the Protestant Reformation of religious persecution.
Neptune was in Pisces (1684-97) during the pious fervor of Salem Witch Hunt when Puritanism (Evangelism) was spreading throughout America.
The last time it was in Pisces (1847-61) a religious revival swept America; seances, spiritualism, Cassadaga established (spiritualist village in Florida), Pope Pius IX authorized Immaculate Conception, Mormons founded the “Kingdom of God”, American Bible Society and Republican Party were formed, 7th Day Adventist Church founded after the failed prophesies from a Baptist preacher William Miller, whom after many failed prophetic dates that spread widely in the most intense period of millennial expectation, gave the date of 10-22-1844 for the Second Coming of Christ that led to the “Great Disappointment.” Among other things: The Civil War, Abolitionists, Lincoln’s “a house divided against itself cannot stand’, President Lincoln assassinated.
Since Neptune returned to Pisces in 2011 the world has been under the fog of deception, especially in America; the most Christian country left in the world. Evangelists are again consumed in another intense millennial expectation fever of “The End Times.” Once more, they are convinced Jesus will appear on a cloud in Israel to save them while he destroys all non-Christians and the world, so you either join them or perish. Now that the American Evangelist organizations have become millionaire corporations, they are very close to accomplishing their long-time dream of breaking down the wall separating Church/State. They finally found the great deceiver sociopath leader willing to do whatever it takes for power and money and together they took over the Republican Party acquiring the new name of MAGA.
Birth map of Republican Party (chart included - When time is unknown, noontime works well with non-human entities): The Republican Party experienced a Neptune return 2017-19. In addition, transiting Neptune began a station conjunct natal Sun at 29 degrees of Pisces, in the 9th House, from May 2024 to February 2026. The basic sustainment (Sun) is in the abstract levels of religious experience thus the party remains under the illusive veil of Neptune Fog blurring viewpoints and distinctions, making the intangible more nebulous than it is already.
It did not take long for these two entities to realize they could use each other to accomplish their selfish aims. By this time, the GOP was no longer since it was taken over by the Evangelist Tea Party during the 2010 midterm elections against President Obama. Religious organizations invested heavily to get them in Congress and still do. When MAGA took over, the Tea Party morphed into the QANON after the infamous Christian KKK organization also joined them. They choose to remain anonymous while religion in government remains unconstitutional.
The birth map of USA (chart included) has Neptune in Virgo in the 9th house of Sagittarius (laws, beliefs, aspirations, philosophy, theories, ideals, supremacy, visions, foreign affairs, ethnic concepts, publicity). It explains the reason America’s organized (Virgo) religion sends missionaries around the world in search of converts and ability to expand propaganda through the Media, as well as finally gaining influence to establish religious laws with the Supreme Court. Neptune projects an idyllic reflection outward that makes it difficult to discern truth from deception.
America’s rising sign (personality) of Sagittarius depicts a nation of idealistic immigrants with high expectations. The ruler of Sagittarius is Jupiter (growth, luck, improvement, justice, opportunity, expansion) and it is conjunct the Sun (identity) in the national sign Cancer. Hence, the country is known by “the land of opportunity and the home (Cancer) of the free with justice and benevolence" (Jupiter).
In addition, the USA birth chart has Pisces in the 3rd house (thinking process and communication). Every time Neptune goes into Pisces it triggers the natal Neptune in Virgo by opposition, exposing the fundamentalist objectives of religion to turn Democracy into an old-time Autocratic Theocracy.
When the hard-nosed, no-compromise ideological MAGA lost the 2020 elections they refused to accept the loss, plotted and executed the most destructive and violent insurrection against the U.S. Government in history. They continue to insist on the “BIG LIE” that they won, thus bigotry, division and delusion persist.
The foggy cloud of illusive Neptune is now surrounding and enfolding America’s blind followers. The big business of religion is in charge thus many people have lost their grip on reality. Deceit is rampant, too many lies, people don’t know what to believe anymore. Accusers of “fake news” are the ones spreading them. The virus pandemic is also a Neptunian effect that exposes the humanistic decay, the lack of empathy and humility and the causes of darkness.
The only way to come out of the dark tunnel of bigotry, division, false promises and unrealistic visions, is by reaching out for enlightenment (coming out of the dark). The LIGHT at the end of the tunnel is about TRUTH through education, free thinking, love, compassion, science, diversity and the brotherhood of man regardless of race, nationality, social status or belief system - the higher side of Neptune and Jupiter.
If Evangelists genuinely believed in a divine creator, they would not think that God wants to destroy his creation to satisfy his Ego. Is it any wonder they support an egocentric criminal and pathological liar for U.S. President - the perfect prototype of an ANTICHRIST?
The Neptune cycle is supposed to awaken the subconscious reasoning process of humanity to understand the mysteries that affect us. The purpose is to promote soul growth by correcting past mistakes and becoming more humane. The ancient “Wisemen” (astrologers/scientists) recognized the unity that exists between the cosmos and life on earth thus what affects one, affects all. They referred to “the truth that makes us free” according to the “great news” revealed by Jesus of “eternal life” (reincarnation or soul evolution); the truth that gives us the freedom to choose the condition of next lifetime, because Heaven and Hell are here on Earth.
Evangelists may continue misinterpreting scriptures, using them as weapons of mass destruction to remain in control, at least until humanity wakes up to reality. The reality that religion has been the main cause of the most devastating wars and crimes against humanity, as they continue to infuse animosity between countries and people.
Meanwhile, planetary cycles will also continue revolving on schedule to help humanity understand God’s creation once and for all and evolve. The current cycle of Neptune in Pisces (2011-2026) is meant to accelerate the process. Sometimes it takes darkness and sorrow to grow spiritually.
There are always many other planetary cycles at work in the world working in synchronicity, but it is up to humanity’s level of awareness to use the energy wisely.
EXAMPLES: THE URANUS CYCLE ON USA (article from 1-1-10) explains a lot of America’s history and what to expect when Uranus starts a new cycle in Gemini in 2025, the same year Neptune begins new one in Aries, and Pluto begins new one in Aquarius. (More information in article USA NEWS from 9-1-09).
EFFECTS OF SATURN-PLUTO CYCLE (article from 5-1-10). These two powerful planets began a new cycle in Capricorn in 2020 with a significant impact on USA. It also coincided with the Jupiter-Pluto cycle and the Jupiter-Saturn cycle believed to be responsible for the infamous “Presidential Curse” that brings damage to the country and/or the president elected on a year ending in 0 every 20 years will not remain in office.
Obviously, 2020 was a crucial year for the world and the USA with long-lasting ramifications. For a complete account of planetary cycles and better comprehension of the effects upon the world past, present, and future, refer to my books: (For predictions related to USA 2024 Presidential Election refer to Cycle 2008-2024)
WHY HISTORY REPEATS - Published 2004 - Pages 22-25
THE COSMIC HOURGLASS OF LIFE - Published 2016 - Pages 125-128
THE COSMIC HOURGLASS OF LIFE - Published May 2021 - Pages 130-133
(When Pluto (power of transformation) is in Capricorn (authority) every 148-150 years, ambitious men get embolden to become authoritative leaders for good or evil. The previous cycle 1762-1778 gave America the prolific Forefathers framers of the Constitution. Their vision for the new nation was humanitarian and inclusive. In contrast, the present cycle consists of autocratic and theocratic dictators, billionaires and criminals determined to reverse the course of history back to the Dark Ages).
PAST – PRESENT – FUTURE (Published November 2024)
By Theresa H. McDevitt
THE SCIENCE OF THE STARS (Astrology – ASTRO LOGIC), has been available since the creation of the universe (unlike religion, that was invented by men billions of years after creation). The ancient “Wise Men or Prophets”, who were astute observers and mathematicians, discovered the science of the stars (“heavenly bodies” in the Bible), throughout millennia. These prolific ancient scientists were able to map out time and space to most of the precise calculations still in use by today’s astronomers.
ASTRONOMY (ASTRO ANATOMY) separated from Astrology after the invention of the telescope during the first millennium of the delusional PISCES AGE, which began about one hundred years before its avatar Jesus was born and is now ending. The physical science of Astronomy, together with organized religion, caused Astrology to fall into the hands of ignorant masses and misused as a “fortune-telling” system for popular entertainment. This was no accident; Pisces energy is about creating some kind of illusive belief in order to find a sense of ultimate meaning to life. Not accepting reality as it is, creates a blindly pretend based on fantasy and delusion – and that can lead to victimization.
Jesus the Christ, born during the Pisces Age, and the Christian religion was created by the Romans on his name over 200 years after his death and after they lost the empire. Jesus was a martyr, and both Jesus and Christianity were identified by the symbol of the fish. Jesus and his 12 apostles were persecuted and killed for promoting Jesus’ “good news” about Reincarnation of ETERNAL LIFE for the healing of the soul from sin (Karma). The law of cause and effect or “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth” is still being misconstrued by religion as vindictiveness and is the main reason for religious persecution wars. Jesus taught that in every incarnation the soul gets a “new heaven” (picture of heavenly bodies at birth time) and a “new Earth” (birthplace geological data).
The system of WORLD AGES by the Precession of the Equinoxes applies to the Tropical Zodiac, which defines the seasons and the changes it creates upon the world. This system was carefully monitored by the ancient scientists during the Aries Age (Moses was the Avatar). Therefore, Aries was thought to lead the 12 signs around the Zodiac circle of 360 degrees. The Biblical Prophets described the end of Aries Age at the time, as a bloody apocalypse (Aries rules blood and warriors). Ignorant of the facts because of the misinterpretation of scriptures, and after more than two thousand years of Christianity using it as a scare tactic, they are still waiting for the event they call, “end of the world” (what happens to everyone when we die). Jesus’ words about coming back again when referring to reincarnation were also misunderstood. The delusion of thinking he will appear on a cloud as he was then, has been a constant disappointment since his death.
Modern Astronomy is very well aware of the astronomical Precession process, but being a strictly physical science, they don’t consider its intrinsic LOGIC as the original scientists did in addition to the calculations. The Vernal Equinox moves backward at one degree of space every 72 years in relation to the constellations. These star patterns consist of uneven boundaries, thus for mathematical purposes are divided into 30 degrees each. It takes 2,160 years (one AGE) to go over each Zodiac Sign (72 x 30 = 2160). If we subtract 100 years from the start of the Pisces Age, we should expect the New AQUARIUS AGE to begin in 2060. There is no official date because it is a gradual process to go from one Age to the next.
Since 1995 when Pluto (transformation) entered Sagittarius (representing religion and immigration), the world has been experiencing the transition from the Pisces Age of delusion to the Age of science and diversity (Aquarius). As expected, all the issues related to organized religion (Pisces) and immigration problems (Sagittarius) have come to a head, while the new revolutionary issues of Aquarius are also obvious. Won’t be easy to transition from religious, emotional blind submission, depended on an elusive figure for salvation, to the intellectual and humanitarian awareness toward self-responsibility.
THE SCIENCE AND ART OF ASTROLOGY IS NOT A BELIEF; it consists of hard facts verifiable by observation and real-world history.
1) KNOW THYSELF FOR BETTER CONTROL OF DESTINY: As humanity evolves in the future, it is logical to expect, provably after the first millennium of the Aquarius Age, that every birth certificate will include the personal birth chart. Astrology will be taught beginning in grammar school, all the way to a college degree. Everyone will learn how to interpret their own map for their current life-journey. No one will go through life ignorant of all they are supposed to encounter on the road to SOUL EVOLUTION. This superb knowledge will help humanity to take control of their own life and make better decisions in order to direct life on a more positive trajectory that will reduce negative karma. Every human is born with FREE WILL. Therefore, everyone will be able to choose their path according to the possibilities available in the birth map, and according to individual cognitive and spiritual potential.
2) UNDERSTAND HOW LIFE ON PLANET EARTH FUNCTIONS: Life on Earth is completely CYCLICAL. Humans (and every other form of life on the planet) are based on cycles, including everything that has a beginning such as, businesses, etc. Everything is born in a specific cycle and carries forward the energies of that moment in time. Knowing Earth cycles, as well as our own personal ones, contributes to the well-being of Earth, as well as our own. It is very important to be aware of what is happening in the world at any time because it also affects our own personal lives at an individual basis according to our own birth maps.
During the current Pisces Age, environmental deterioration continues to escalate due to the primitive and delusional religious belief that everything is God’s will, as if man didn’t exist. The United States gave so much power to religion, allowing it be tax exempt and able to accumulate great wealth. Now they are trying to take control of government and replace the democratic system that made the country great. Evangelists found a leader willing to do whatever it takes for power and money, which will also keep him out of prison for all the crimes committed against the USA Constitution.
As the delusional age comes to an end, American Evangelists are also involved in the Middle East instigating the third World War they’ve been dreaming about. They teamed up with Israeli Prime Minister, who’s trying to remain in power and also avoid prosecution for crimes committed. Religion’s dictum is to destroy the enemy, which is the main reason for so many “holy wars.” Evangelists believe Jesus will appear in Israel to kill all non-Christians, saving them to rule the Christian world they envision, together with Russia’s criminal dictator now claiming to be Christian. Hopefully, the American people and leaders won’t be fooled and prevent another tragic revolution – because everything in the world is totally dependent upon the wise intervention of humans.
ASTROLOGY IS THE SCIENCE OF THE PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE, accessible by the cycles. Nature’s system of cycles is what causes history to repeat. Without awareness of our cyclical system to avoid the worst outcomes, history continues to repeat in the same destructive ways. As the Age of delusion and spiritual confusion ends and all the negative consequences of divisive beliefs and cultures are exposed, humanity will finally realize that what affects one, affects all. The future is about realizing the importance of humanity to accept reality and take full responsibility for whatever happens in the world. It will be a time to fully exercise the power inherent in all the people to be the sole masters of their fate, as well as the sole custodians of our magnificent planet EARTH.
(Social, Political, Economic Changes)
Author: Theresa H. McDevitt (Published 05-3-2016)
The Uranus-Pluto cycle is one of the most significant planetary cycles in the evolutionary process of humanity. The intensification between the principle of sudden change (Uranus) and the principle of death and regeneration (Pluto) creates overturning forces that promote the most revolutionary social, political, and economic changes. The urge to throw off the past and disengage from outmoded structures becomes imperative. But social change only occurs when enough like-minded people bond together to enforce it.
The Uranus-Pluto cycle consist of approximately 115-140 years between conjunctions, and 28 to 46 years between each of the 4 quadrants. The last conjunction at 17 Virgo from 1965 to 1968 resulted in the Civil Rights movement that forever changed the culture in USA. In addition, there were massive demonstrations against the Vietnam War and against government. In 2011, as soon as these two planets began to align at a critical 90-degree angle forming the first square, tumultuous demonstrations and revolutions began to take place in Arab nations and other places, against the old suppressive and abusive regimes. In America there was the “Occupy Wall Street” movement against unfair economic tactics that led to the 2008 worst economic decline since the Great Depression. The protest about the 1% of people having more wealth than the rest of the 99% altogether is no coincidence.
Striking similarities occurred after the previous conjunction of 1850-51 and during the square in 1929. At the time, the working people were living on credit and high unemployment while 1% of Americans controlled 40% of the wealth. These were the self-made industrialists- billionaires that gave birth to the American capitalistic system during the prosperity boom of the Industrial Revolution. They established the first American family dynasties and business empires that still exist to this date. After the crash of 1929, it was government initiatives that brought the country back to prosperity.
Squares herald a time when the changes initiated at the conjunction come up for review and rectification. What went wrong or failed its positive achievement needs to be fixed to make new strides and set new trails towards progress for the benefit of the whole. Every country is motivated according to their circumstances while the earth reacts to man’s blunders with critical weather patterns and changes. Unless positive changes are implemented, the conflicts, problems, and demonstrations continue to increase and can escalate to dangerous levels. Conflicts begin close to exactness, throughout the square, and afterwards with dire lasting consequences.
The Uranus-Pluto cycle always initiate significant social, political, and economic changes that redirect the course of history. However, what transpires afterwards depends on whether constructive corrections and adjustments are established during the cycle. This time around, the corporate government and right-wing politicians in their relentless pursued to dismantle government, are determined to prevent any initiatives from assisting the suffering masses.
The Virgo generation (1957-72), especially those born during the conjunction, could be confronting the most significant turning point of their lives. They were born at a crucial turning point in history thus they will be the catalysts toward the fulfillment of the objectives initiated at the conjunction (1965-68). Virgo represents the working people, healthcare, the military, and labor unions, the prime casualties of the unscrupulous tactics of the powerful responsible for the current crisis of unemployment and homelessness. Thus, the Virgo generation troops are now being challenged to pick up the torch for human and civil rights left by the previous courageous warriors, such as the Kennedy brothers and the Reverend M.L. King, who got murdered in the struggle.
It is also no coincidence America has the first Black President (2008-16) of the Virgo generation. Whether or not he was aware it was his destiny to be picking up the civil rights torch at this precise time, he tried his best to move the country forward. As it was to be expected, he was confronted with a mob of prejudiced obstructionists who ganged up against him and cannot wait to undue his accomplishments. Nevertheless, as the square begins to lose its punch, the issues of race and poverty prevail while trillions are spent on political campaigns.
The science/art of astrology explains everything affecting our lives and the earth at any given time. Unlike the sensational speculations by the corporate Media and religious preachers, psychics and astrologers have plenty of scientific facts to rely upon. For example: We can chart the timing for the “earth changes” predicted in the 1930’s by Edgar Cayce, “the sleeping prophet” and We can also make sense about the Mayan calendar ending in 2012, among other things.
The present destabilizing square (2011-16) that has shaken up the world is to be interpreted as a wake-up call to move forward; from illusion to reality, as we come to the end of the Pisces Age. Believing that everything that happens is “God’s will,” paralyses progress. If the masses allow self-deluded gurus, corrupted politicians, and clergy to decide their destiny, progress will remain a distant dream.
Dreadful times will have to be faced if progress is not made before the next time the issues of SOCIAL, POLITICAL and ECONOMIC CHANGE come up again for review in 2046-68. Uranus will be in Virgo opposite Pluto in Pisces marking the official end of the Pisces Age. (My books WHY HISTORY REPEATS and THE COSMIC HOURGLASS OF LIFE offer perspective of events going on at these specific dates).
Author: Theresa H. McDevitt (Published Jan 01, 2013)
The U.S. Declaration of Independence has been experiencing another Saturn return since its conception 236 years ago. Transiting Saturn returns to its natal place approximately every twenty-nine years. This is a major cycle of experience dealing with stress, testing, and forced economy. The natal position of Saturn represents the native’s ultimate intention towards a meaningful worldly achievement and contribution. This is the area of greatest tension in life, which energies are being challenged demanding close attention and examination. Every Saturn return offers new opportunities to correct past mistakes and take responsibility towards establishing new paths. Lessons learned at this time make the next Saturn return less difficult.
In November 2010, transiting Saturn returned to conjunct the natal USA Saturn at fourteen degrees of Libra. Drastic changes occurred that changed the course of the nation. The controversial Tea Party movement, mostly consisting of fundamentalist conservatives, took over the House of Representatives and the result has been legislative gridlock ever since. The conflict intensified in October and November 2012 with Saturn’s conjunction to progressed Saturn at three degrees of Scorpio. Republicans’ aim to punish the democratic president, blaming him for the worst economic collapse since the Great Depression, obviously backfired with his re-election.
The “fiscal cliff” is the culmination of a series of increasingly contentious showdowns between the two political parties, most noteworthy, the debt-ceiling fight of August 2011, which rattled financial markets and threatened the country’s ability to meet its financial obligations. Taxes and the role of government are at the heart of the fiscal cliff debate. The largest single component of the fiscal cliff is the Bush-era tax cuts that are due to expire early January 2013. Republicans want to extend them, while Democrats and the president would extend all cuts except for the wealthiest 2% of taxpayers. If Congress fails to reach a compromise, the United States is expected to suffer significant negative economic consequences for going over the fiscal cliff.
The country has been on the fiscal cliff since its previous Saturn return in 1981-82, when President Reagan lowered the tax rate for the wealthy significantly. He also declared “big government was the problem” and the gradual dismantle of government began. In addition, industries that once contributed to build the middle-class began to ship jobs overseas for higher profits. This philosophy contradicts the purpose and principles upon which the Declaration of Independence was founded. The signification of government, Capricorn, and its ruler Saturn, play the most significant role in this birth chart.
Saturn is exalted in Libra, in addition to being the highest planet in the chart and powerful in its own house. Saturn in the tenth represents a test of power. When wealth and status are more important than service, and humility has not been learned, the rise to the top can be followed by a fall. The Saturn return highlights these karmic lessons. Capricorn in the second house represents lessons to be learned where true values are concerned, in addition to responsible use of resources. Capricorn is also the depositor of Pluto therein emphasizing the power of money. Records show that whenever tax rates for the wealthy were raised the country prospered the most.
In 2008, transiting Pluto (transformation) returned to Capricorn for the first time since before the declaration of independence from the British Empire in 1776. Pluto rules Scorpio in the twelve house of self-undoing, and secret enemies in the world of appearance. Scorpio rules taxes: joint resources, crime, and hidden power thus together, perfectly represent Congress and the corporate power. The connection between Saturn in Libra (compromise, “the rule of law”), in the tenth (reputation, contribution), and Pluto in Capricorn in the second, ruler of the twelve, depict what the late Isabel Hickey called, “serve or suffer.” The twelve house offers a choice between being a savior or a victim.
Pluto’s return to Capricorn is also contributing to the fiscal cliff. Its opposition to the planets in the seventh, including the Sun, representative of the president, as well as the purpose for existing, explains the challenges the president and the country are being subjected to. This is reminiscent of the turbulent, prewar of independence time. The most crucial turning-point for USA will be marked by the transiting Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn (2019-20), opposition natal Mercury, ruler of the Seventh (others), and the ninth (international matters, the law of the land, religion, and immigration). In the meantime, the main issues will continue to be foreign relations, immigration reform, and hopefully gun laws will be revised to prevent the type of random massacres taking place around the country.
Virgo (the working people), intercepted (delay or future matters) in the ninth house, could restore the “government of the people by the people.” However, Natal Neptune intercepted in the ninth house is indicative of the idealistic and delusional expectations of the country. Meanwhile, the controversy about the “fiscal cliff” among lawmakers could continue until transiting Jupiter goes direct towards the end of January 2013, conjunction natal Uranus, opposition Ascendant, depicting an unexpected and unstable agreement.
New actions might not be taken until Jupiter conjuncts natal Mars in the spring (Congress voted to postpone a sequester about spending cuts for two months.) By the summer of 2013, Jupiter (opportunity, expansion) begins to activate the lucky natal triple conjunction of Venus, Jupiter, and Sun in Cancer. This configuration should promote increased revenue benefiting the country to avoid the fall over the proverbial cliff. Jupiter’s return is a reminder of the money-making potential that can be taken for granted and monopolized among the privileged few. At the same time, the Saturn return in this chart marked the latest wake-up call for the re-evaluation of the nation’s original intentions to exemplify the true meaning of democracy and justice for all.
Author: Theresa H. McDevitt (Published 05-01-2010)
Planetary cycles confirm there is perfect order in the universe, "a time for everything under the heavens." The powerful Saturn-Pluto cycle marked some of the most significant events affecting USA since the 1980s. These two planets take 31 to 40 years to complete the cosmic circle. This is a cycle of breakdown and rebuilding when the threat of the past must be faced and transformed, otherwise the end results can be devastating. From October 2009 to September 2010, these two powerful planets will be at a stressful 90-degree angle from each other (square). This is the last square of the cycle that began with the 1982 conjunction in Libra that highlighted the need to balance relationships between peoples and nations. Matters started at the conjunction carry over until the end of the cycle, with major turning points during the squares representing a time for rectification. The opposition represents the middle of the cycle when the original intentions are reflected requiring awareness before new steps are taken.
The challenging Saturn-Pluto cycle affects countries and peoples differently according to their charts. The latest cycle had a significant impact on the US government because the conjunction took place in the 10th house (objectives, government, reputation) of the US Sibly chart for July 4, 1776. The conjunction at 27 + Libra made a square to natal US Pluto prompting America to take the opportunity to exert its monetary and military powers and assume leadership among all nations. America became the most influential in world relations. In addition, the opposition of 2001 impacted the other two main angles of ascendant/descendant and sparked the awareness that with power comes tremendous responsibility inclusive of irreversible consequences. Interestingly, the conjunction and opposition occurred during Republican administrations (1982 and 2001), while the squares occurred during Democratic administrations (1993 and 2009-10).
The God-given science/art of astrology is the study of UNIVERSAL LAWS & TRUTHS. Thus, to execute truth to the highest possible level, astrologers put aside all personal prejudices and political preferences. The following factual summary offers a comprehensive view of the sequence of events up to the present time, and what to expect until the new cycle begins in 2020.
1. What starts during the conjunction carries over until the end of the cycle 2. Squares are turning points, time for corrections through challenges, hardship, and turmoil. 3. The Opposition directly reflects what happened in the conjunction. 4. Matters started at the beginning of each quadrant carry over until the next.
CONJUNCTION 1982 in Libra:
1- Iran/US embassy hostage standoff (the abusive regime of the capitalist Shah supported by USA was replaced by the Ayatollah Khomeini, who established theocratic rule). 2- Inauguration of President Ronald Reagan. 3- President Reagan assassination attempt. 4- "Reaganomics" (tax-cuts for the wealthy that supposedly would trickle down). 5- De-regulations, cuts on social programs, closing of public mental hospitals. 6- Peak of the Cold War (Reagan called Russia "the evil empire"). 7- Russia/Afghanistan War (US secret support for the Taliban). 8- Iran/Iraq War (US secret support for Iraq - selling arms to Saddam Hussein). 9- US/Iran-contra scandal of trading arms for hostages (President Bush senior later pardoned administration officials who had been indicted or convicted for withholding information in a web of official deception, mismanagement, and illegality). 10-Shiite Muslims bombed American barracks in Lebanon due to US support for Israel. 11-US/Contra-narcotic operation-involvement in Drug Wars in Central & South America. 12-US invasion of the Caribbean Island of Grenada. 13-Deregulation by the Administration and Congress led to the Savings & Loans crises.
FIRST SQUARE 1992-93 in Aquarius & Scorpio:
1- Inauguration of President Clinton 2- Mrs. Clinton’s healthcare initiative for reform rejected by Republicans. 3- Branch Davidians cult/FBI-ATF standoff/tragedy in Waco, TX (led to Oklahoma bombing by American militia movement sympathizer Timothy McVeigh). 4- Welfare reform (replaced by day-care programs for single mothers). 5- US & NATO forces declared war on Eastern Europe to stop genocide of Moslems in the Ethnic-Cleansing War. 6- Presidential sex accusations/scandals and impeachment trial. 7- OSLO Agreement (US Administration insisted Israel release terrorist prisoners). 8- Implementation of NAFTA (removal of barriers to trade and investment among USA, Canada, Mexico).
OPPOSITION 2001 in Gemini & Sagittarius:
1- Elections debacle 2- Inauguration of President G. W. Bush (appointed by the Supreme Court) 3- Massive tax-cuts for the wealthy and corporations 4- Corporate deregulations and privatization of government agencies 5- Massive cuts on social programs 6- Faith-based Initiatives (Federal funds in support of religious organizations) 7- President Bush singled out countries as "the axis of evil"
8- World Trade Center attack of 9-11-01 in New York City (led to US invasion of Afghanistan and occupation of Iraq under false pretenses, led to economic crises) 9- Creation of Homeland Security 10-Implementation of unconstitutional initiatives under "The Patriot Act" (wiretapping, torture, retention of detainees without prosecution, etc.). 11-Real Estate market collapse due to over lending and credit crises 12-Economy in turmoil – The Bush administration and Congress committed $7.8 trillion and before he left office, he had spent $1.359 trillion in bailouts for banking and Wall Street Institutions declared by him, "too big to fail." (Refer to The New York
FINAL SQUARE 2009-10 in Libra & Capricorn:
1- Inauguration of President Barak Obama. 2- Obama administration continues Bush’s policies and bailouts (and together with the FDIC and the Federal Reserve commit many more billions to the cause). 3- High unemployment and massive housing foreclosures. 4- Healthcare reform debacle. 5- "Tea-baggers" demonstrators against the Obama Administration. 6- Afghanistan conflict intensifies -- President Obama commits 30,000 more troops. 7- Crackdown on illegal Mexican immigrants. 8- Swine flu pandemic scare and vaccination. 9- Supreme Court grants corporations the right to unlimited campaign contributions.
As the conclusion of this cycle takes its course, more national crises are to be expected. America is experiencing a consolidation of initiatives taken at the conjunction (1982 in Libra) that impacted the entire cycle. Furthermore, the same initiatives were reestablished and reinforced during the opposition. The issues of interactive relationships between peoples and nations from the conjunction in Libra are still unresolved. Tensions intensify during the turning point represented by the final square in process 2009-10, impacting the rest of the cycle until the new one starts in 2020. Tragedies and natural disasters are also stimulated during this cycle, especially during squares and opposition.
2020 New Cycle:
The next new cycle symbolizing new beginnings will be in Capricorn emphasizing authority and government institutions around the world. In the US chart, it is conjunct natal Pluto in the second house of values and resources. Once again, the nation's economic fate and use of power are being highlighted. This could mark the end of the American Empire and the beginning of a different nation. The future depends on lessons learned and new initiatives taken. Astrological knowledge and learning from history offer the only hope for a better future. (Refer to "Why History Repeats" and “The Cosmic Hourglass of Life” for additional information of past, present, and future).
Author: Theresa H. McDevitt (Published Jan 01, 2010)
As soon as the official document for the Declaration of Independence was agreed upon by the first signers on July 4, 1776, it marked the birth of the United States of America. The new nation was born out of chaos into liberty and marked by a constant thrust towards progress (Uranus). This is confirmed by mutable signs posted on the angles, inclusive of Mars and Uranus. Mars was at 21 Gemini while Uranus at 9 Gemini was approaching the opposition to the nation’s Sagittarius ascendant (a multi-ethnic, multi-racial, multi-religious, population of immigrants breaking away from a foreign empire). Since the point of inception, the Uranus cycle of 84 years (seven years in each of the 12 signs), has marked the most dangerous conflicts of war and crucial turning points in the history of USA.
Every time revolutionary Uranus activates the mutable signs on the angles, destiny-making events take place with major emphasis on social conflicts, tragic attacks, and foreign wars, inclusive of four US Presidents assassinated. Two presidents died of natural causes, while one was shot and lived. In addition, many Civil Rights supporters were also assassinated. Whenever Uranus shakes up the status quo and begins to push forward for social changes, the fundamental nationalist energies of the US Cancer Sun, Venus, Jupiter, Mercury, refuse to give up. What results is a constant tug-of-war between conservative traditions vs. change and progress. Nevertheless, after the turmoil, progress always prevails because it works in accord with the nature of Uranus and the universe. The Universal Law is meant to always move forward.
The Jupiter-Saturn cycle, believed to be responsible for the alleged “Presidential Curse,” seems to perfectly synchronize with the Uranus cycle. This is due to the 20-year interval between each Jupiter-Saturn conjunction, and the 20–21-year phases required for Uranus to transit between each mutable angle. These mutable positions inevitably form conjunctions, squares, and oppositions to the nation’s natal mutable planets. Uranus acts as a key trigger repeating cycles that are specific to the USA chart. Therefore, the nature of these contacts reveals much in connection to its history.
The following recollection of the Uranus cycle and its bearing upon the USA applies equally to the Gemini or Sagittarius Ascendant charts. British astrologer Ebenezer Sibly published the first US horoscope in 1787 for July 4, 1776, 4:50 pm, Philadelphia, PA. Due to confusion between Greenwich Mean Time and Local Mean Time several charts emerged, all rectified from 4:50 pm. Among them, two rival Sibly charts remained. The first one for 4:50 pm has 8 Sagittarius on the Ascendant, with Uranus on the 7th house, and 25 Virgo on the Mid-Heaven.
The other for 5:10 pm has 12 Sagittarius on the ascendant. In fact, after the tragic events of September 11, 2001, with transiting Pluto at 12 Sagittarius, it raised new questions as to which chart proves the most accurate. Pluto's first conjunction to the US Ascendant forever changed the image and destiny of the nation. However, both Sagittarius Ascendant charts equally support the Declaration of Independence. Major instability and turmoil in the country begins as soon as transiting Uranus gets into one of the mutable signs of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces until events escalate to a crisis point.
BEGINNING CYCLE OF URANUS IN GEMINI (IN USA BIRTH MAP)– Conjunction: 1774-82 – Revolutionary War; Boston Tea Party; Declaration of Independence from the British Empire; the US Constitution drafted.
1858-66 – The Civil War; Emancipation Proclamation; President Lincoln assassination.
1941-48 – W.W.II; Holocaust; Pearl Harbor attack; D-Day landing in Normandy; Race Riots in several major cities due to influx of southern Blacks; President F. D. Roosevelt “New Deal” and elected to a fourth term, followed by his death; Battle of the Bulge; Atomic Bombs dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima.
WAXING SQUARES IN VIRGO: 1878-85 – Abolition; President J. A. Garfield assassination.
1961-69 – Cuban Invasion; Cuban Missile Crisis; President J.F.K. assassination; Civil Rights Movement; shootings in Selma, AL, and Black church bombing killed four girls; Vietnam War; students’ demonstrations and some were shot by the National Guard; “Black Power” riots; Malcolm X, Reverend Martin Luther King, and Robert Kennedy assassinations.
RECENT OPPOSITION IN SAGITTARIUS (coincided with Saturn-Pluto conjunct): 1981-88 – Iran Contra scandal, Shiite Muslims bombed American barracks in Lebanon, US/Contra-narcotic operation in Drug Wars in Central/South America, US invasion of Caribbean Island of Grenada, US secret support for Iraq on war with Iran, Congress Deregulations led to Savings & Loans recession crisis.
WINNING SQUARE IN PISCES: 2002-09 – Afghanistan War (2002-2021), American immigration and racist conflicts, devastating pandemic of Cobit 19 virus, a "wannabe dictator" elected U.S. President in 2016 was twice impeached in only one term in office. Was elected with the support of American Evangelicals and the autocratic leader of Russia. He increased the deficit into the trillions giving tax cuts to the wealthiest. After losing the election in 2020 he insighted the most destructive insurrection against the U.S. Government in history. He teamed up with the Christian Nationalists and is running again for the presidency with the sole intention of replacing Democracy with an Autocratic Theocracy.
CONJUNCTION IN GEMINI: 2025-32 – Immigration crisis, racist and political conflicts escalate, and the US support for the Ukraine vs Russia War will hit a crisis point. People’s revolutions for freedom and independence from authoritarian governments will continue around the world. History repeats according to planetary cycles thus similar circumstances at a different level can be expected as the previous conjunctions in Gemini.
Author: Theresa H. McDevitt (Published Sep 01, 2009)
Information extends into the future:
This is one of those crucial times in history when learning the logic of the stars becomes the only way to find out the truth for ourselves. Knowledge of the oldest science on Earth provides the most reliable method to sort out the truth from all the deceitful and misleading propaganda out there; too many glory hounds, who will say anything for power, fame, and fortune; for which, they find it necessary to keep people dependent, frightened, confused, and ignorant.
WHAT’S GOING ON: Those who read my book WHY HISTORY REPEATS were not surprised to see the drastic changes as soon as Pluto officially entered Capricorn in January 2009. Suddenly the country turned from the Sagittarius extreme excesses and over-optimism to the Capricorn limitation, restriction, fear, depression, and authoritarian ambitions. The over-expansion turned into over-contraction. (During the Sagittarius cycle the word “faith” replaced “religion”).
THE SAGITTARIUS CYCLE (1995-2008): The drive for supremacy, idealism, and over-reaching is empowered when Pluto is in Sagittarius. In addition, during this cycle, the imperialistic Leo generation (Baby Boomers (1939-58) took charge of the system, including the last 4 administrations (1992-2000-08). Pluto in Leo empowers the natural aptitudes for leadership, desire for high accomplishments and success at all costs. Some chose the road to greatness at the expense of others, either for self-glorification or higher profits and extravagant salaries for the new monarchs of corporate and religious empires.
The over-consumption and over-expansion encouraged by these two imperialistic fire signs created a selected group of multimillionaires and billionaires, as well as the worst economic collapse since the Great Depression in 2008. The republican administration left the system corrupted and broken; involved in two unwinnable wars; the social systems dismantled; the rule of law disregarded; the constitution trampled; and privatization of government to cause its demise is about to be accomplished. Private agencies receiving millions in federal funds have been left to run their own hypothetical kingdoms without supervision or oversight.
The religious/ethnic movement promoted by the Sagittarius cycle also increased the power and determination of fanatic Islamic terrorist organizations to kill the infidel in God’s name and take over the world, as in 9-11-2001). Likewise, American Christian leaders and organizations acquired enough power and wealth to continue demanding a place in government to dictate policy. Christianity is now being promoted in the U.S. military, especially in combat against Islamic troops thus giving the impression the Christian Crusaders are back. The battle for religious supremacy got re-energized during this cycle.
The previous Sagittarius cycle (1748-62) witnessed Europe’s Protestant Reformation Movement. Great Britain enforced a single religion and after acquiring colonies around the world became the most powerful. But as soon as Pluto went into Capricorn (1762-78), the new American colonies rebelled against the empire and the church. Hence, the most important items stipulated in the new US Constitution were freedoms from religious and/or imperial tyranny. Ironically, what these courageous new Americans fought so strongly against has been allowed to reoccur.
America is again in the crossroad of history. A corporate and religious empire is now dominating the wealth and authority. Except, this time the religious and imperial tyranny is mostly homegrown and even more powerful. They are the lobbyists that control the lawmakers in Congress.
Knowing that history repeats according to Pluto’s cycle, the economic crisis will continue until the people reclaim their government towards the end of the Capricorn cycle, as it happened before during the Revolutionary War against the oppressive British Empire. Meanwhile, the state of the union had never been so divided; between those who control it and the rest of the people; between wealth and poverty; between races and nationalities; conservatives and progressives; and between those who can see through the veil of lies and powerful propaganda, and those who cannot.
THE NEW CHRISTIAN EMPIRE: Some preachers and mega churches are running tax exempt, multibillion corporations. In 2007, as reported by “Americans United for Separation of Church/State”, TV Evangelist, Pat Robertson received $250 million in federal funds in addition to his own tax-free TV collections from his bully-pulpit for political manipulation in God’s name. Many other wealthy ministries receive billions from the government for social services. They almost finalized the goal of “taking control of all institutions and government, using the United States to create a global Christian empire,” promoted by Pat Robertson since the ‘80s. Since then, they have been gradually dismantling the public system. Evangelism in America found a mask for fascism in patriotism and the Bible.
Although organized religion had a purpose during the delusional Pisces Age (past 2,100 years), it also proved detrimental when involved in governments. The world has yet to learn from the disturbing memories of the Christian Crusades, Moorish Invasions, European Inquisitions, Protestant Reformation, the Holocaust, the Islamic Taliban, Iran’s theocracy/fascism, genocide in Bosnia, Rwanda, the Sudan, and ongoing “holy wars” in the Middle East, which have spilled over the entire world.
Since religion invaded the political system in America, Republicans and Democrats alike became so called, “Social Conservatives,” the new name for a religious/corporate empire (union of Church & State), hidden behind the banner of Democracy. The two-party system now consists of a single empire that requires remaining depended on the lobbyist establishment that controls legislation.
To believe that America is still a democracy is simply an illusion. The main requirements for a government position are prove of being a Christian, against gay marriage, against women’s right to choose and against LBGTQ community. President Obama, as a constitutional scholar appeared to want to reverse the trend, but soon realized that if he wants to remain in office, he must abide by the rules of the new Social Conservative Party. He even had to agree to continue the “Faith-based Initiatives” (government in support of religion established by his self-professed “born again” predecessor), knowing it is against the constitution. Religion kept the W. G. Bush administration in office.
The new president is also the first representative of the Virgo generation (1957-72) to be in office. Virgo’s main concerns are jobs, education, and health care – the areas in dire need for reform. This will be a major challenge, unless he is willing to compromise with powerful Christian organizations, Pharmaceuticals, Medical Assoc., and insurance companies that control the system. We can expect the Social Conservative Party to remain in control of the government throughout most of this cycle, regardless of which political affiliation they claim to support. Nevertheless, the Virgo generation will reform the healthcare system if it is the last thing they do, and they have until 2024 to do it.
CAPRICORN CYCLE (2008-2024): Pluto’s return to the sign of fiscal responsibility and discipline is putting everyone on notice to face the hard realities that were ignored during the extreme idealism and excesses of the Leo generation within the Sagittarius cycle. The Capricorn scapegoat has been called upon again to bear the burdens of relieving its people and to free them from their misconceptions. Pluto in Capricorn empowers government to take the lead and restore order. This is a transitional period of recovery and reconstruction in anticipation to the major reforms and changes due to begin during the next Aquarius cycle of Pluto (2024-43).
It will not be easy for the new greedy monarchs (CEO’s) of corporate and religious empires to give up the ostentatious living they created for the selected privilege few. They do not want to be taxed or abide any type of regulations; they overcompensate themselves by terminating workers; move industries overseas for cheap labor; invest the money elsewhere; thus, they take from the country and do not give back.
Previous corporate moguls of past generations who built the most successful democracy in the world, did not mind paying decent wages, health care and pensions, and did not mind paying fair taxes due to them. They still built fortunes and lived privilege lives because by giving to the country, they got more back. In those days, the Media was not a corporate controlled monopoly, and conservatism had nothing to do with organized religion. In addition, in those days tax-exempt preachers did not own private jets and multi-million-dollar mansions.
Many people unable to think can only parrot what the agents of evil are paid to promote. They want people to believe that compassion for less fortunate is unacceptable, while greed and selfishness is patriotic and even “Christian.” They have people convinced that government is their enemy, contrary to what the Forefathers and Framers of the US Constitution had in mind. These prolific men designed a government specifically for the protection of the people against all forms of tyranny.
The government “of the people, by the people, for the people,” has been hijacked by the new tyrants of the American Corporate-Religious Empire, whose primary aim is to empower themselves at the expense of the rest of the people. They are still trying to destroy what is left of the original government and replace it with their own kind. Thus, to finish the job they resort to scare tactics. This will lead to turbulence during the next three elections until a turning point in 2020. Learning from history would accelerate the evolutionary process and improve the future, thus the God-given science of astrology can help sleeping souls awaken from the lethargy and apathy that afflicts them.
The universe is always on time and although freewill and awareness can modify destiny, it never interferes with the primordial “divine plan” indicated by the precise cyclical predictability of the “heavenly bodies.” “There’s a time for everything under the heavens” and the predestined cycle of Pluto shows the timing. Every 248-50 years Pluto returns to the same sign and exposes into the light all that has gone wrong so it can be renewed and improved. Pluto’s cycle is imperative to the evolution and progress of humanity. Knowing the highest purpose of the signs can help humanity avoid the negative outcomes. For example:
POSITIVE SAGITTARIUS: The highest purpose is to learn expansion of consciousness that results from cultural exchange with mutual respect. The knowledge acquired from travel and interaction with other cultures can be liberating and limitless. Universal awareness provides a closer connection to God, realizing that what affects one, affects ALL. In an enlightened world, ethnic-religious wars need not happen. Fair trade, diplomacy, integration, and cooperation benefit everyone. “Live and let live” would be a reality. The advanced consciousness does not need to use force to teach and encourage growth and enforcing immigration laws prevents problems.
NEGATIVE: When the drive for supremacy intensifies causing forced migrations, and as people strive to maintain a sense of national pride, ideology becomes a divisive force. This allows the tyrants of the world to hold people in bondage by preying on beliefs, ignorance, greed, hate, prejudice. The use of religion, race, status, and other divisive forms of control results in terrorism. A society restrained from spiritual growth (beyond religion), tends to expand physically and materially by over-reaching, overeating, and overspending. Supremacy becomes superficiality. Emotional attachment to organized religion perpetuates the fearless competition and division that prevents peace on earth.
POSITIVE CAPRICORN: The highest purpose is for government to administer the civil rules according to constitutional laws for the protection of all citizens regardless of race, creed, nationality, or financial status, to prevent tyranny. A just and trustful government is necessary to the survival of a society.
NEGATIVE: When government is sold to the highest bidders among the most powerful, it can no longer function for the people; thus, it becomes a tyrannical empire or dictatorship. The only prospect for abuse of power is the downfall that leads to chaos and deterioration of society. When the welfare of the people seizes to be a government priority it can no longer remain a democracy (in a real democracy the previous U.S. administration would be in prison for deception, war crimes, and other illegalities).
CONCLUSION: today America is witnessing a repeat of the same old scary movie, with the same scary monsters, whom the so called, “Conservatives” refer to as; liberals, communists, socialists, terrorists, humanists, atheists, end times, baby killers, gays, illegal immigrants, minorities, and even astrologers. These dubious tactics are designed for the purpose of obstructing and delaying the evolutionary growth process that would lead the masses to freedom from tyranny. Scare tactics may allow them to enjoy some temporary successes, but they will not be able to stop the powerful transformational energy of Pluto from exposing corruption and returning government to the people during the upcoming Aquarius Age officially beginning in 2060. Pluto in Aquarius (2024-43) heralds a revolutionary time leading to major transformation.
At the present time 2009, Conservatives are using a new dubious tactic to influence voters called, “The Tea Party Movement.” Many unsuspected followers are fooled into believing they are only interested in eradicating government corruption, while they are being organized and funded by powerful religious and business corporations. Obviously, these corporate entities are the main perpetrators of the corruption, whose only aim is a total control of government and avoid taxes and regulations.
Regardless of the present circumstances, after the end of the Capricorn cycle history will repeat again, as the masses begin to rise and reclaim the government of the people, by the people, for the people. The future promises the most progressive government since the Declaration of Independence in 1776.
Aware souls trust the process and know they must help. Democracy and Astrology have a lot in common; both are based on the principles of social awareness, equality and respect for all individuals with reason, impartiality, objectivity, and personal responsibility for SPIRITUAL GROWTH. Now you know why religion condemns astrology.
The century’s three major economic crises in USA
Author: Theresa H. McDevitt (Published Feb 01, 2016)
1- Market crash October 29, 1929 (Black Tuesday) - Start of the Great Depression: the worst financial tragedy in America’s history. All banks closed after losing clients’ savings in the market, and massive withdrawals causing enormous bankruptcies and unemployment. Recovery did not start until after WWII as President F.D. Roosevelt began establishing programs that became known as the “New Deal”. It was the start of government involvement in the economy and in society.
2- Market crash October 14, 1987 (Black Monday). Savings and Loans Crisis: the greatest banking collapse since the Great Depression. Half of the fallen S&Ls were from Texas where they had tripled in size and grew 100% a year. In 1989, President G. Bush senior signed into law a taxpayer-financed bailout of $50 billion to close the insolvent S&Ls. By 1999 the cost to taxpayers was in the order of $150 billion.
3- Market crash October 6, 2008 (Black Monday) - Start of the Great Recession. The market began its decline in December 2007, by September 2008 it took a sharp downward turn, and by October 3 President G. W. Bush signed a bank bailout of $700 billion, the largest in U. S. history. This could not stop the crash on October 6 or the drops that continued thereafter bringing America’s financial system to the brink of total collapse. Large corporations and wealthy businessmen were hardly affected and were the first to recover. Many Fortune 500 corporations reported record profits and many billionaires broke new records, both in terms of numbers and their total wealth (US $4.5 trillion), while over 50 million working class Americans ended up living in poverty.
What do all the above have in common?
A: They began in Wall Street and went on to affect the entire world economy. They occurred after a building boom leading to over-investment, excess speculations, easy credit, bad loans, lack of regulations, corrupt or incompetent politicians, breakdown of international trade, land flips and other criminal activities (as in 1987), tax cuts for the wealthy (especially during wartime as in 2008), huge government deficits, etc. Elite developers and investors made their fortunes before the economic bubble burst resulting in widespread unemployment and poverty among the working people.
B: They happened during Republican administrations. Presidents that followed always took the blame and ended up one-term presidents, mainly because they carried over the same failed policies of their predecessors. Calvin Coolidge presided over the years that led to the Great Depression. President Hoover inherited it, took the blame, and lost the second term. The Reagan-Bush administration was responsible for wars in South American countries, the Caribbean, and the 1987 recession, after which President Bush senior lost the second term. The Bush-Cheney administration caused the 2008 Great Recession inherited by President Obama, who took the blame while continuing most of the failed policies of his predecessor, i.e., Faith-based Initiatives, No Child Left Behind, tax cuts for the wealthy, Guantanamo, and two Wars. In addition, he refused to prosecute the Bush-Cheney administration for war crimes. But based on his diligence in the recovery from the disastrous situation he inherited, President Obama did not join the ranks of the one-term presidents.
Since all the major market crashes happened under Republican administrations, we should find the answers in the chart of the GOP political party. We know the party was originally founded by the northern newly capitalists’ industrialists and bankers of the Industrial Revolution, whose priority was, and still is, cheap labor toward financial supremacy at any cost. They are still the party of Big Business that also controls the Military Industrial Complex thus corporations now control the entire USA government.
In my previous article (January 2012 issue) I presented the connections between the Tea Party (February 19, 2009) and the Republican Party (March 20, 1854, Ripon, WI). This time I will elaborate on house placements using 7 pm for the GOP, the time most likely for a meeting held at a schoolhouse. This puts the Sun in Aries, a clear depiction of an aggressive initiative for a new party under the platform against the expansion of slavery that led to the Civil War.
Sun in the world point of 00 Aries (world influence, desire to be first, militant), conjunct retrograde Mercury in the 6th house of the “Military Industrial Complex,” quincunx retrograde Mars (frustration, rash actions) at 00 Virgo (frugal, firm conviction). The Sun rules the 11th house showing support from organizations, friends, Congress, and Mercury shows support from the law, ruling the 9th house (law), as well as the 12th of secrets and self-undoing. Mars opposition Venus in Pisces, ruler of the Ascendant and the 8th house of joint resources, form a Grand-square with the Nodes and Saturn (united for the purpose of achieving self-interests). This is supported by Mars trine Pluto, ruler of the 2nd of finances (proactive action lays groundwork toward financial gain and power).
Sun sextile Saturn in Taurus, ruler of conservative Capricorn in the 4th (foundation), trine Jupiter, indicates nationalistic power and wealth, high ambition, and business success. Neptune in Pisces, ruler of the 6th house, positioned in the 5th (the 12th of the 6th), square the Moon ruler of the 10th (objectives), in addition to undermining women’s issues, self-defeating tendencies, and misguided idealism, it also explains contempt for unions, and disregard for the needy and workers health care. The underlying motivation being to protect the wealth and power of the privileged few, and benefit from keeping America’s image of greatness as the wealthiest and sole superpower in the world. This includes the need for illusive enemies toward military conflicts and wars (necessary or not), in which the combination of faith and deception plays an important part.
The following delineations show the indisputable connections between the three crashes and the GOP triggering the natal tendencies described above:
Moon-Neptune square is beseeched from every angle by each market crash: three times by Saturn, twice by Uranus, plus Jupiter. Trines to Neptune from Pluto, Mars, Venus, Mercury, and Moon denote easy deception.
Natal Grand-cross between Nodes, Saturn, Venus, Mars, is activated by the three market crashes, twice by Mars, plus Neptune, Nodes, and Moon.
Natal Sun-Mercury conjunction in the 6th house is critically activated by the three market crashes with Yods, conjunctions, squares, and oppositions, twice from Mars and Neptune, plus Uranus, Venus, Sun, Moon, and Nodes.
Natal financial houses 2nd and 8th, ruled by the financial signs Scorpio-Taurus, are activated with oppositions to natal Pluto, ruler of the 2nd house, from planets in Scorpio in each of the market crashes (power of wealth and influence).
Natal Jupiter, the planet that promotes publicity, growth, and expansion, in the domestic 4th house, ruling the 3rd of communication and depositor of the natal Moon, is under oppositions, squares, and trines by Jupiter, Pluto, Sun, and Mercury of the three market crashes. This also explains how the corporate owned media inclusive of TV Evangelists have expanded and operate as the communications arms of the Republican Party (Sagittarius 3rd house).
Although a lot more can be added to all the above connotations, it is enough to confirm that market crashes were created by the party of Big Business and corporate moguls, which now include the new Evangelical corporate empires, who are moving the party further to the right and the Dark Ages or back to the Rubber Barons time before the Great Depression. Even though religious corporations and Big Business do not pay taxes they are already dictating policies in Washington, DC. They all share the same agenda for total control, privatization, and no government regulations.
With every economic crisis created the wealth at the top multiplies and the power of corporate monopoly expands while most upcoming small companies and the middle class are pushed backward (as to separate the chaff from wheat (Mars in Virgo). The exceptions are some newly independent Internet millionaires. Ironically, the tactics that worked since the Republican Party was established are the same that can destroy the country’s future. The schism created between the haves and have-nots grows deeper after every economic crisis, and the same goes for inadequate education and faulty infrastructure. Only through astrology can we unravel the mysteries that otherwise get lost in the labyrinth of political and religious propaganda.
Nebulous problems, confusion, and delusion within the party became obvious with the transit of Neptune square natal Saturn (2009-12). More smoking mirrors and tricky times should be expected as Neptune continues triggering the GOP Grand-cross (2012-13).
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