Author: Theresa H. McDevitt (Published Jan 20, 2017)
The birth maps of Donald Trump (6-14-1946) and Mike Pence (6-07-1959) attest to the fact that although they come from entirely different backgrounds, lifestyles, and generations (Trump from the Pluto in Leo, Pence from the Pluto in Virgo), inherently, they have more in common that meets the eye. Both are Sun sign Gemini (dual identity and purpose, vicarious communicators). Both have a lot of Leo inclusive of the planet Mars (actions based on pride and egocentric interests for leadership). Astrological connections are the reasons that pull people together.
While Trump spent his life amassing wealth and seeking the spotlight for self-aggrandizement, Pence was seeking the spotlight as a radio talk-host and politician, both for the purpose of obtaining power over others for ego gratification. How could a fundamentalist and hero to the Religious Right team-up with a thrice-married adulterer and womanizer, who bragged about getting away with sexually assaulting women? Moral values did not matter if they could have the opportunity to take control of the U.S. government. And the egomaniac Trump, who boasted about being always a winner, would have never become president without the Evangelists. The two power-hungry chameleons found in each other what they needed to attain their objectives.
The composite chart is based on the mathematical results between two individual birth maps. If both or one person’s birth time is unknown as in the case of Mike Pence, both birth maps must be charted as Solar charts (Sun in the 1st) based entirely on their individual birthdays from which, the composite chart derives. In this case, interpretation of planets, signs, and aspects take precedence over the houses (worldly areas of experience).
The astrological symbolism for the Sun and Moon relates to the masculine and feminine functions. These two energies are also the main indicators of the basic thrust in a composite relationship. The Trump-Pence composite has a conflicting T-square (major challenge) between Sun in Gemini, Moon in Virgo, and Chiron in Sagittarius. This is an indication of fundamental tensions within, considerable differences of opinions, critical and self-righteous behavior, which trigger potentially disastrous outbreaks when pressures become too great. This configuration is also an indication of incompatibility and critical disfavor to and from women.
The Saturn-Neptune conjunction in Libra depicts confusion between reality and delusion, lack of empathy and judgment in business matters, and a possibility of undermining each other. The square from Uranus in Cancer can trigger sudden emotional and irrational upheavals. The positive Trine from the Sun and South Node (past connections) helps them to portray a positive appearance and receive favor and support from followers and other authorities.
Jupiter in Scorpio can be shrewd and secretive about joint financial ventures. The out of sign Trine from void Mercury to Jupiter shows big ideas and subtle manipulative tactics to attract the support of influential and wealthy people. (The entire new presidential cabinet is composed of campaign donors; multi-billionaire old Boomers, each one known to be against the department they uphold to oversee).
Mercury and Venus are both void-of-course (final degrees of signs) reflecting a negative and disconnected energy. Venus (love, sentiment), void in Cancer, the most emotional and nationalistic sign of the zodiac that is obsessed with personal security, clearly shows the lack of concern for anyone else but their own personal needs and objectives. This is also supported by the afflicted Moon, Venus’ depositor in Virgo, the coldest and most discriminating sign of the zodiac.
The Yod (fate, stress, inconsistency) by Aquarius South Node, Uranus in Cancer, and Chiron in Sagittarius (idealism), explains the problems they face by promising revolutionary changes of returning to an implausible and ludicrous past. The Mars-North Node-Pluto conjunction in Leo is indicative of power struggles dealing with difficult tasks requiring great deal of effort. This could turn purely egotistical with one trying to dominate the other. Mars and Pluto are the planets of cut, slice, and kill. This combination shows the willingness to use excessive force, violence, and ruthlessness to impose the rules. The sextile from the Sun makes it possible. Hence, war is an option, in addition to killing Obama’s legacy and eradicating democracy.
Every White House Administration always has an impact on the country’s economy according to the combination of energies between the president and vice-president. In this partnership there is a lack of positive prospects in that area. All the financial indicators in the chart are inhibited in some way. Venus void in Cancer in the 2nd house (resources) shows the availability of national (Cancer) resources that might be used for personal advantage (Cancer) and certainly for overspending, as indicated by the applying square from Venus to Jupiter. Saturn, the planet of business, responsibility, and limitation, ruler of the 8th house (joint resources) is also besieged by Neptune (lack, illusion, dissolution, deceit). Most of the resources might be spent increasing the military, but another major recession is probable by the end of the first term.
This partnership has what it takes to accomplish the Republican agenda of benefiting the wealthy and bankrupting the Federal Government to cut out and privatize all entitlements inclusive of agencies such as, Homeland Security, departments of labor, education, energy, environment, etc. Healthcare will be entirely up to the insurance companies and maybe people will be covered according to what they can afford. Whatever will be left of the government will be transferred to the responsibility of the States.
If it were not for the fact that these two men need each other to accomplish their independent ambitions, this partnership would not have a slim possibility of lasting. There is always the possibility that after Trump satisfies his ego by becoming U.S. President, he will not be able to withstand the pressures and will step aside for Pence’s presidency. There is also the possibility of Trump being removed from office; he has enough enemies and pending illegal cases against him. The test is due to begin this summer. But the Religious Right is not going anywhere anytime soon.
In any case, Trump is mainly interested in the glory and prestige of the office thus Pence and the Religious Right will be leading the agenda. They waited too long to get this far and worked too hard to turn America against the Secular Democratic system, using religion to do it. The Christian Right is a for-profit corporate entity like all others, whose main interest is to be exempt from taxes and regulations and be left alone to do as they please on the greedy road to power and wealth.
It will take another massive revolution to topple the new American Christian Monarchy as our ancestors did in the 1776. The same cycle is back thus history is right on schedule to repeat. The American Empire is now as divided as the British Empire was then. When people do not learn from history it is bound to repeat in the same destructive ways. Meanwhile, the world will be watching the extravagant show of the Apprentice in the White House.
Author: Theresa McDevitt (Published January 30, 2017)
Among the many birth charts proposed for USA, Cibly’s chart for July 4, 1776, 5:10 pm, Philadelphia, PA, once again proves to be the official one. This fact has been confirmed before and most recently by the tragic events of September 11, 2001. For the first time in the country’s history, transiting Pluto hit the exact degree of America’s rising sign at 12 degrees Sagittarius. As it was expected, the powerful Planet of major transformations forever altered the image and destiny of the nation (refer to my book Why History Repeats).
The 2016 presidential election has taken the world by a storm, mainly on account of the controversial partnership between the new president and vice president. For 241 years America has been the envy of the world by its multi-ethnic, multi-religious, successful democratic system, which the new authoritative administration is making a priority to overturn into a Christian theocracy. The double wheel chart below shows the USA natal chart with the Trump-Pence composite in the outer wheel (refer to composite interpretation in this website).
The following list of the main aspects pertaining to the impact the Trump-Pence partnership has upon the USA provides more light to present circumstances:
1- Composite Saturn conjuncts US Saturn – This is where both entities have the most in common; Saturn (strict authority) in Libra (undeviating justice), in the 10th house (main objectives, ambitions). This is the strongest position for Saturn and represents a test of power. It refers to the social climber and called, “the Napoleonic complex” that leads to a rise to the top followed by a fall, unless pride and ego are controlled.
2- Saturn square US Sun in Cancer (nurturing image is inhibited and oppressed turning into egocentric nationalism, selfishness, and overemphasis on materialism).
3- Composite Uranus conjuncts US Sun (defiance to impose drastic and erratic changes to US identity).
4- Composite Sun conjuncts US Mars, square US Neptune, and Dark Moon Lilith in 9th house (combative energies are aroused over misleading and deceptive religious beliefs and laws, which promote international relations to suffer malfunction, inconvenience, and loss).
5- Composite Venus opposite US Pluto in Capricorn (capitalism) in the 2nd house (national treasury), will be compromised by underhanded ulterior motives and corporate greed (8th house).
6- Composite Pluto in 8th house, opposite progressed US Mercury (the only progressed aspect included here). (Absolute convictions and coercive power for control of financial resources provoke resistance and breakdown in communication).
7- Composite Moon in Virgo, in 9th house (law, religion, foreigners), conjuncts US Dark Moon Lilith and Neptune (self-righteousness triggers fundamental tensions of obscured and deceptive religious beliefs affecting national and international laws and relations).
8- Composite Dark Moon Lilith conjuncts US Moon in Aquarius (the revolutionary emotional need for progress, freedom, and independence of the US population (Moon) especially concerning women, confronts a struggle for dominance. Lilith represents that which is hidden, the dark and evil that befalls mankind, the energy that lures the unsuspecting and vulnerable victims by arising subconscious fears and all which is weak and emotional in them.
Lilith in Aquarius stimulates individual sadistic tendencies towards those they consider unknowing and thus feels a duty to force ideas on others and change the world. The intention is to save humanity whether it wants to be saved or not. In the process, everything is destroyed whether it is good or not because all that matters is that far distant goal (Lilith), only to find out at the end that everything that mattered is lost.
(Lilith interpretation is based on a little old book by Lois Daton published in 1936. Named for mythic Lilith is supposed 2nd satellite of Earth, a moon whose shadow is seen on Sun every 6 months. Its existence was certified by U.S. weather Bureau in 1879. This dark moon absorbs light instead of reflecting it as does the white moon).
Conclusion: Considering all the above in addition to US Sagittarius rising (multi-ethnic nation of immigrant’s personality, supremacist notions, emphasis on law, faith, religion, sports, wealth, adventure, publicity, open spaces, and growth), the birth chart for the Declaration of Independence presented here shows its true validity. Most significant is the conjunction of Neptune-Lilith in the 9th house confirming the complexity of religious beliefs, most importantly, the deceptive religious tactics used to coerce and appeal to the emotions of the vulnerable for political advantage. It also explains U.S. exports of religious missionaries around the world.
The fact that the Trump-Pence composite and USA have significant connections involving both natal Moons, both Dark Moon Lilith inclusive of Neptune and the 9th house, clearly explain the present circumstances affecting the nation, such as the ban on Muslim refugees and the ban on abortion rights. The old dream of enforcing laws against women’s rights due to religious beliefs is being reactivated again by the new Christian-American administration. The prospect for turmoil and religious wars at the end of the Pisces Age of religious persecution and victimization, together with men’s desire to keep women controlled and oppressed continues but should not be happening in the purposively most advanced society in the world - the USA.
Author: Theresa H. McDevitt (Published Jan 11, 2016)
The Ego Inflated Plutocrat Donald Trump’s primary motto is DIVIDE AND CONQUER and his rhetoric sounds a lot like Nasim:
“I will make America great again for us the Chosen Ones, but first those other people will have to be removed. I will put up walls of concrete and prejudice and if you join me in division and separation, I will bring prosperity to you, and you will all be rich like me.” The Donald’s show-off Leo rising celebrity signature is his golden mane of hair perfectly combed. And as a Gemini Sun Sign he has a long line of BS.
Among the other contenders are the two power-hunger Cubans who were influenced by their dictator-minded Cuban refugee parents, who grew up conditioned to a dictatorship and still hate Castro for ending it. The one born in Canada from a Cuban born father, who is an Evangelical preacher, claims to be an American on account of his mother’s birth in this country. The deluded Evangelicals are funding his campaign hoping to get the Latino vote. The other one whose parents were born in Cuba, who is a member of the Tea Party and also claims to be an American by birth in Miami, where Batista, the Cuban dictator and his followers got settled after Castro forced them out. Neither one is qualified to be a US President, except for sharing the same underhanded Republican mentality of greed, prejudice, hatred, and totalitarianism. Other than the Right-wing Miami Cubans, they do not represent the rest of the American Latino community.
In the name of “Free Enterprise” Republicans cannot wait to hand over to their cronies every government agency, schools, post office, utilities, social security, Medicare, the military, VA hospitals, health clinics, etc. Privatizing the entire US government means more corporate power over the people by the privileged few. Already, monies are being transferred from public schools, clinics, and social services to religious organizations, which will make sure to keep the masses in subjugated ignorance.
The three Republican candidates are a joke and a danger to our country. Unfortunately, those in the Republican Establishment are so determined to finish the job of taking over the country from the people; they do not care if they win. The wealthy/corporate 1% and Evangelical organizations, which always invest millions to get their people elected only aim to multiply their investment.
The world is now under a powerful influence concerning the 114-year cycle of social change between the planets Pluto and Uranus (transforming the past towards progress). This is the cycle that began with the conjunction in Virgo (military service, the working people) from 1964 to 1968 that promoted war protests and the Civil Rights Movement. Since 2012 to 2016 these two planets have been at a crucial 90-degree angle from each other from conservative Capricorn to independent Aries. During this conflicting first square awareness of what transpired since the cycle began is intensified. The entire world has been in turmoil. The oppressing forces determined to hold on to ultimate power are causing havoc among the freedom seekers of the world who are ready for new beginnings.
It is not a coincidence the U.S. Presidential race represents the personification of the crucial square in process. Donald Trump represents the Plutocrat bigots of the country (Pluto in Capricorn) with utopian promises of supremacy that sound more like the Nazis in WWII. Obviously, becoming the most powerful man in the world will satisfy his inflated ego. And as a shrewd businessman he expects to benefit from privatization in addition to no regulations and no taxes for him and his billionaire corporate cronies.
Bernie Sanders personifies the Uranus in Aries firebrand humanitarian socialist striving for equality, challenging the status quo of the existing power structure. He is more like a destined messenger from the future promoting awareness because it is time for the masses to wake up from their lethargy before further damage is done to the country. A hopeful sign of awakening is the support he is getting among the younger generations. Hopefully, his message will continue to resonate in the minds of the rest of the people. Another hopeful sign was the prevention of another Bush from reviving the same failed and destructive policies as before.
Hillary Clinton represents the alternative middle of the road. She could represent the first steps in the transition between the old and the new, the past and the future. Maybe with the Clintons back in office the public will be reminded and finally convinced of how far Republicans are willing to go to destroy the country’s Democratic system. Apparently, the persecution of the Clintons and the obvious persecution to destroy Obama and his legacy has not been enough among the misinformed!
The outcome of the 2016 upcoming presidential race will be depended on the masses’ level of awareness, but judging by the massive support for the egocentric Trump I do not think the masses are ready yet for the people’s revolution expected in the new Aquarius Age. Many people still adhere to the old syndrome from the Pisces Age of worshiping idols (whoever appears to be above the rest by wealth, image, or position).
It is not going to be easy to topple the corrupt conservative congress in power or to overturn the redistricting system and the manipulation of voting rights. In any case, I think the next U.S. President could be a one-term President in anticipation to the triple conjunction of Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto in Capricorn and Aquarius, beginning in 2020 and culminating in 2022 with Pluto’s first return to where it was during the 1776 Revolutionary War of Independence.
By 2020 a powerful ambition emerges for long-range goals out of the past restrictions. Most likely, it will take another massive revolution, political or otherwise, especially at the advent of the new Aquarius Age of diversity and equality. In 2023 Pluto officially enters the revolutionary sign of Aquarius as it did at the beginning of our new nation. Knowing that Pluto impels history to repeat, we can anticipate the beginning of a NEW GOVERNMENT OF THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE, WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL, to be resuscitated and transformed towards a more progressive future.
This is all provided the new generations are as brave as their predecessors in 1776. However, the transitional process towards the Aquarius Age could take years of revolt and instability. These are exciting times in the history of the world and only the science of astrology can help us to fully understand. Meanwhile, it will be fun to watch the two dictator-wannabes, soon to begin a verbal fight between the Gemini Trump (big mouth) and the Gemini Rubio (motor mouth). Enjoy the show, but the 2016 election is no laughing matter. Messenger Bernie Sanders is sounding the alarm loud and clear. Let us also beware of the misleading Corporate Media.
Author: Theresa H. McDevitt (Published Nov 16, 2016)
The 2016 presidential election showed that America is not ready yet for the people’s revolution that messenger Sanders was talking about. Americans are still worshiping idols and drinking the Evangelical cool-aid against “liberty and justice for all”, and against progress. They elected the egomaniac billionaire who ran on a platform of lies, hate, and bigotry that supporters prefer to call “speaking the truth”. White men loved his message and showed up in droves to get their country back after 8 years of a black president; whom they never considered a natural born American, a Christian or a legitimate president.
It is disheartening to know so many Americans share the beliefs of our next president; a man who lies without scruple, threatens to prosecute political opponents, and practices the blood sport of destroying whoever disagrees with him. He wants to curtail the freedom of the press; does not believe in climate change; gleefully insults women, minorities, and immigrants; is vicious, vulgar, vindictive, and profane, and won the presidency with the loud support of racist white supremacists, anti-Semites, and Evangelicals.
The one good thing he accomplished was to expose the hypocrisy of the so called, “Christians”, who teamed up with him despite his lack of moral values or decency. The main thing these two entities have in common, besides not paying taxes, is their insatiable hunger for power and wealth. There is nothing these people will not do in the name of God. They led a national phone campaign convincing the mindless, blind followers that Mrs. Clinton is a “baby killer” because she favors women’s rights.
The fanatic Evangelical Vise-president Pence is anti-women, anti-gays, and anti-everybody else’s freedoms. He has been leading a fight against Planned Parenthood, set all kinds of obstructions on women’s rights, and implemented a $10,000 fine to anyone applying for a same-sex marriage license in his state of Indiana.
Now that the Right-wingers took over our entire government including the Supreme Court, they think they have a mandate from God to do as they please. The entire country will suffer the consequences, not only Moslems, Blacks, Hispanics, and gays, but also astrologers, artists, and all other intellectuals, even the scientists. It would not be the first time this country organizes a witch hunt. The marriage between Church & State has been accomplished. America is officially an Evangelical Capitalistic Nation (contrary to what the Founders had in mind).
The American Taliban is reaching the same level as the Islamic Taliban in their quest to annihilate each other. This will be the final HOLY WAR that will close the Pisces Age of blind faith, persecution, and victimization. USA has been taken back to the DARK AGES and it will be the next religious empire to fall. The Democratic Party and the TV Pundits failed to recognize or accept that religion was the catalyst that put Trump in the White House. It will take another revolution during the transition to the Aquarius Age to bring Democracy back.
Republicans were also naïve to think they could use the religious vote to win elections to finish the job of eliminating government by privatizing it. Little did they know the Evangelicals had their own plan in mind to obtain power over them to satisfy their own selfish aims for power and control. As it turned out, Donald Trump used both to fulfills his own dream of becoming U.S. Emperor and Chief.
He used the Right-wingers to attain power the same way Republicans did over the years, and it caused them to lose the party. Trump rescued the party but not without a demand to bow to him or else be hanged. Will the Trump Party survive the Right-wingers, or vice versa? Stay tuned and watch the next episode of the Apprentice in the White House, Trump’s new Reality Show.
But if you really want to know WHAT, WHEN, HOW, and WHY anything happens in the world at any time, read my new book, THE COSMIC HOURGLASS OF TIME.
There is a reason and a time for everything under the heavens. The world is now under a conservative cycle and the magnanimous Leo Generation (the Boomers (1939-1957) oversee the business world and most government establishments. The new U.S. President Elect is the perfect ambassador of the Leo generation making his final impact into the world stage, as the most powerful leader of the free world, while hoping to become a dictator for life, the likes of Putin.
However, Pluto in Aquarius after 2024 promises to transform the old establishment, and the Scorpio generation (Millennials) are ready and destined to do it. They will be the catalysts to make him a one-term president. They are now on a definite quest for progressive changes and will hold the new Administration accountable. Otherwise, they could start the next revolution, as the previous Scorpio generation did in the late 1700’s during the War of Independence from the British Empire, as history continues to repeat according to planetary cycles..
Author: Theresa H. McDevitt (Published Sep 01, 2012
Please Note: Information extends to the future.
The universe never ceases to amaze us. For the first time in 164 years, the illusive planet Neptune returned to its own sign where it remained at 00 Pisces from May to August 2011. This brief station was mainly a warning about the insecurity, hardship, and confusion yet to come. Upon its official comeback into Pisces from February 2012 and until 2024, no one knows what to believe anymore. From the corruption and deceit of Wall Street, Banks, Mortgage companies, blatant lies in corporate media, negative political ads, corrupt politicians, homelessness and joblessness, former Middle-class citizens on food stamps, while the rich get richer, to the undermining of democracy by fanatic religious ideologues; people are anxious and bewildered not knowing whom or what to trust anymore.
During the last time Neptune was in Pisces (1847-62) the Mormons in Salt Lake City founded their permanent “Kingdom of God.” At the same time, a religious revival of Biblical proportion was sweeping America. In addition, the religion of Spiritualism was born, the Spiritualist village of Cassadaga was built in Florida, and a new era of communication with dead spirits began. It was a time of abolitionists, and inspired writers such as, Emerson, Thoreau, Twain, and others. Abe Lincoln gave the speech, “a house divided against itself cannot stand.” But nothing stopped the devastating Civil War from happening.
It is no secret the two Republican men running for President and Vice President in 2012, each profess a firm devotion to their religion; Romney is a Mormon and Ryan is a Catholic. It is no coincidence a Mormon is running for the presidency, as Neptune’s return marks the anniversary of the Mormon religion. It is also no coincidence that during the current nebulous Neptunian atmosphere, these two men were born with a prominent Neptune. Romney has a Pisces Sun and Ryan has Neptune conjunct his natal Ascendant. Together in the composite they have the Sun (identity, purpose) at 00 Pisces in the 12th house, conjunct the Ascendant (personality) at 00 Pisces 49.
The Neptune effect on these two prominent men implies deceit in many ways. Pisces and Neptune can inspire a vague approach to reality. Ideals and self-deception can overwhelm the ability to see the truth or express their identity. A constant discontent with things as they can make them appear to be all things to all people. Regardless of who these two men appear to be as individuals, it is more important to know who they are as a team. The assessment of a composite chart is essential, especially in the case of a significant partnership such as this, and the mid-point method provides the most accurate way to see behind the Neptunian veil of illusion. In this case where professional ambitions are involved, Pisces and Neptune have more to do with religious ideals than spirituality.
The emphasis of 00 Pisces in this composite reflects Neptune’s return to its own sign. Composite Sun-Ascendant trine Neptune-Moon-Jupiter in Scorpio (strong, firm convictions), in the 9th house (religion-law), in addition to the trine from Mars in Pisces to all the planets in Scorpio, emphasize an emotional-religious attachment and motivation, and attest to a very idealistic relationship. This also confirms they personally and emotionally identify with each other’s devotional religious beliefs, even if their religions differ. Composite Pluto, ruler of the 10th (career, objectives), opposite the Sun causes professional and internal power struggles, as well as attracting opposition from others (7th house). Perhaps because they would have to serve a few masters: two of the most powerful religious-corporate institutions in America, and other corporate and government powers.
Composite Venus-Mercury in Aquarius, opposite its ruler Uranus in Leo, forming a conflicting T-square to Neptune-Moon-Jupiter, promotes disagreements, instability, and unexpected changes in career objectives due to the fact they have independent opinions and ambitions (Saturn). Composite Saturn trine Mercury in the 12th (secrets), ruler of the 8th (joint resources, values) helps in communicating and accomplishing the main objectives to privatize government services, repeal President Obama’s healthcare reform, and cut corporate taxes, regulations, Social Security, and other social services (Virgo in the 8th of death and regeneration).
Composite Mars square Saturn, suggest they can work at cross purposes. This produces negative feelings that seethe below the surface occasionally going past the boiling point. The inner emotional stress is supported by the quincunx from Saturn to Moon-Jupiter. Chiron in Capricorn, square Nodes suggest they would have to face moral and ethical questions with associates, and presents a challenge to compromise personal ideals, faith, and values for the sake of the partnership.
A composite with so much emphasis on religious ideals depicts a challenging relationship that seldom survives due to secrets, ulterior motives, and desire to dominate and eliminate, especially in this case if their own personal-emotional beliefs and philosophies get in the way (Neptune-Moon-Jupiter). Scorpio is about other people’s monies, values, taxes, and corporate power, the reasons they became a team. This team was obviously put together by religious powers behind the scenes (Venus in the 12th, ruler of the 9th). The same is supported by transiting Pluto in the 11th house (friends, organizations), sextile the Scorpio planets in the 9th house. Transiting Pluto trine composite Pluto, ruler of the 10th, also makes them feel destiny in on their side to take over the power they crave.
Before and during the 2012 presidential election, transiting Jupiter conjunct composite Saturn will continue to pour bundles of corporate money toward their main objectives. Corporate money spent in the corporate media represents a revolving door of wealth and power among the selected few. Transiting Saturn conjunct composite Neptune-Moon could cause a breakdown in the ways they structure their perception of reality. Saturn demands pragmatic proofs and responsibility for what people are about. This could be problematic because transiting Neptune will be at 00 Pisces for the last time, conjunct composite Sun-Ascendant, still enfolding them under a cloud of self-delusion.
Neptune’s effect is also known for disappointment and dissolution. If for some reason Neptune does not dissolve this partnership, they will feel as “saviors” sent by God to fulfill their religious objectives and personal ambitions. If they lose, they will feel as martyrs, and will never give up trying to implement their ideologies, values, and new ideas into the system of government. This is indicated by composite Neptune in the 9th, ruling the 2nd house of personal values, and supported by transiting Uranus conjunct the stellion of progressed planets and N/Node in Aries in the next 4 years.
The Neptune effect in Pisces (2011-24) in addition to the closing of the Pisces Age is obviously affecting the world at a greater level than ever before. Emotional attachments to outmoded divisive religious texts will not solve today’s problems. Being able to see through the veil of deceit will speed up the gradual transition from the Pisces Age of monarchs, dictators, and religious tyrants, which included the worship of idols – the idea that anyone who appears to be above the rest deserves to be honored and looked up to. Thus, to remain on top, they need to hold others down – the engine that propels racial-ethnic-religious, and class divisions.
This composite is a perfect example of prolonging the past social oppressions. The future is about reason, diversity, equality, opportunity, and freedom for every soul to choose their own destiny, grow and evolve as high as they want to, all of which requires a true partnership between the people and government. Eliminating government as Republicans and Libertarians promote, instead of reforming it, will insure the status quo. The partnership depicted in this composite could represent “the straw that breaks the camel’s back” whether or not the mass-consciousness of the country is ready to continue the road towards a united future. Recognizing the spiritual connection that unites all humanity and the Earth is the evolved side of Pisces and Neptune, which is not the case regarding these two individuals.
This composite is based on the following birth data from birth certificates:
Mitt Romney, March 12, 1947, 9:51 am, Detroit, MI
Paul Ryan, January 29, 1970, 2:37 am, Janesville, WI
Author: Theresa H. McDevitt (Published Jan 01, 2012)
After running a campaign of lies, deception, and religious implications threatening Women's Rights and favoring the very wealthy, the Republican Party lost the 2012 elections. The self-delusion and denial promoted by transiting Neptune conjunct natal GOP Venus, conjunct Tea Party’s natal Sun, and conjunct the composite Sun between their presidential team (Romney-Ryan), left them in a complete state of shock. They had expected to win by a landslide.
The GOP/Tea Party was expecting an elusive victory all the way to the end. They were so consumed by the Neptune effect they could not accept facts or failure. The Tea-Evangelical Party is still in control of the House of Representatives thus when standing for religious principles there is no compromising.
They still hope to dismantle the democratic system of government. Thus, while the Tea Party's objective is to protect the power of religion over the people, the GOP's objective is to protect corporations and the wealthy. But, If the GOP expects to hold on to power, they will have to separate from their extreme ideological partners.
This will not be easy if they remain under Neptune's self-delusion. In the meantime, the Democratic Party will have to fight harder to protect the public. The masses are no longer willing to be repressed or oppressed, especially by outmoded religious/authoritarian regimes.
Published by this author Nov 17 after the 2016 elections:
The first African-American U.S. President Barak Obama (Lincoln reincarnated), survived his two terms in office despite all the obstacles and humiliations he received from Republicans, who tried viciously to obstruct him and deprive him from the credits he deserved.
His efforts to implement the successful Affordable Healthcare Act, success in dealing with the endless two wars he inherited, and the successful recovery from the worst economic collapse left by his predecessor, didn’t seem to matter by his opponents. On top of that, he was submitted to the worst insults by his hateful republican successor, in addition to all the death threats him and his family endured from Trump’s racist followers.
Obviously, this time his fate was not to get killed, so the hatemonger bigots tried to kill his legacy by plodding to obstruct and deprive him of any credit or recognition. As it happened before, the negative divisive efforts could not stand against the real American Patriots’ support for the enlighten promises in the U. S. Constitution.
Hence, this advanced soul’s destiny was given another opportunity to continue what he previously started; move the Union forward to fulfill the Framers’ original intentions of freedom and equality for all. This soul took one more step in its evolution and proved to the world that past efforts are never in vain.
Someday in the future reincarnation will be proven and accepted. The world will finally know what the Prophets of the Bible meant by “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth,” which Christians wrongly interpret as the need for vindictiveness and vengeance, the belief responsible for so many crimes against humanity and against the holy teachings of Christ. Souls simply reap what they sowed in previous lives, also known as “the original sin.”
SOUL EVOLUTION AS WELL AS SOCIAL EVOLUTION, IS A SLOW PROCESS REQUIRING TRIAL AND EFFORT, DIVINDLY CREATED AS REINCARNATION OR "ETERNAL LIFE" (as originally referred in the Bible by the real Christians, first followers and apostles of Christ Jesus; the Hebrew Prophets).
President Donald J. Trump might be the reincarnation of Andrew Jackson. There are many astrological indications connoting the possibility, which I chose not to include here as I did in the case of President Obama and Abe Lincoln. Those extra details are not necessary when it involves such a notorious person as President Trump. Hence, the following factual similarities between these two presidents are sufficient to support my suspicions:
1- President Trump expressed his special admiration for Andrew Jackson.
2- He kept his picture next to him in the Oval Office.
3- Andrew Jackson was a general and Trump loved his generals. His first cabinet included 4 military generals.
4- Andrew Jackson dominated his cabinet forcing out members who did not execute his commands.
5- He strengthened himself against Congress by forging direct links with the voters.
6- He expanded the scope of presidential authority. In 2 terms had 4 Secretaries of State and 5 Secretaries of Treasury.
7- He held his official subordinates at arm’s length and demonized those who crossed him.
8- He looked out for his immediate family members with advice, furthered their careers, and had them serve in his administration.
9- He ran for President mounting a cry to clean corruption and restore purity and economy in government.
10-Had a hot temper and sensitivity to insult, embroiled in a series of fights, brawls, scandals, and ongoing battles with banking system,.
11-While some followers praised his audacity, he had a reputation of
being vengeful, self-absorbed, ferocious disrespect for civilian
authority, grasping, bloodthirsty, boding tyrant the model of Caesar or Napoleon and his opponents called him “King Andrew.”
12- He indulged in violent hatreds and aggressive Indian removal policies. Made false promises to 5 civilized tribes forcing an ethnic cleansing for the acquisition of Indian land east of the Mississippi; what became known as “The Trail of Tears.”
13- After the presidency, Andrew Jackson could not stay away from politics and kept his influence enlisted in the political system.
Author: Theresa H. McDevitt (Published Apr 01, 2009)
A surge of interest in former President Abraham Lincoln was sparked by the arrival of Barak Obama on the political scene. The sudden interest in everything related to President Lincoln is primarily due to Obama’s statement that Lincoln is his hero and source of inspiration. He mentions Lincoln’s name in most of his speeches and tries to emulate him in what he says and does. Most importantly, in addition to personality and physical and intellectual likeness, the two men share uncanny life experiences:
· Lincoln was born in 18(09) – became president in 18(61)
· Obama was born 19(61) – became president in 20(09)
· Both born outside the original 13 colonies
· Both came from undistinguished families
· Both reared with great spiritual conviction without a formal religious affiliation
· (The only presidents who did not grow up going to any church)
· Both had a second family and step siblings
· Both lost mothers early in life
· Both were self-made by their own abilities
· Both state legislators before becoming US Senators from Illinois for one term
· Both wrote their own eloquent speeches
· Both became prominent after impressive speeches at party conventions
· Both gave speeches clearly with thriftiness of words and about unifying the nation and invoking the Declaration of Independence.
· Both made their mark by debates; Lincoln was elected after debating conservative Douglas, and Obama was elected after debating conservative McCain.
· Both inherited a war and were beset by the difficulties of war, internal jealousies, hatred, and condemned by conservatives over the prospects of success in the war.
· Both chose former rivals for secretary of state; Lincoln chose William H. Seward and Obama chose Hillary R. Clinton.
Furthermore, as stated by Professor Elizabeth Hirschman from Rutgers University after extensive ancestry research, Lincoln’s ancestors from his father’s side were Jewish from England, and Obama’s ancestors from his father’s side were Muslims from Africa.
As we have seen from the above, so far, the similarities are outstanding, except for the fact that President Obama was not elected on a year ending in zero. Thus, we can hope he will be spared from the same tragic end as his previous incarnation.
Astrology offers the best way to substantiate reincarnation. Karmic astrologers can testify to the fact that the soul’s evolution is depicted in the birth map and a significant past life is always relevant to the present one. Usually, the soul begins by emulating the past life before making new strides in the evolutionary journey. Reincarnated souls gravitate to what seems familiar and known. In many cases, they simply repeat the same lifetime adjusted to the new personality and environment.
Although, we may never be able to prove reincarnation with absolute certainty, astrological observations can provide substantial data from which to arrive to significant conclusions. Is it reincarnation or amazing connections or coincidence?
The primary significates of a past life connection follow this order: Moon (soul), Moon Nodes (past-future), Saturn (karma), Chiron (healing through death and rebirth), Pluto (regeneration), Neptune (soul’s sacrifice), Uranus (change), Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Sun, Ascendant (personality), and Mid-heaven (objectives, destiny).
CONNECTING ASPECTS: (Obama’s natal and progressed to his inauguration to Lincoln’s natal and progressed to his death).
Obama’s progressed Moon conjunct natal Ascendant, trine Lincoln’s progressed Ascendant (right time for soul’s new personality to represent the past one and pick up where it left off).
· Obama’s Sun opposite Lincoln’s Chiron, square Uranus-Nodes (new identity repeating past to promote change and healing).
· Obama’s natal Moon square Chiron forms a T-square to Lincoln’s Saturn (soul’s challenge to heal by resuming karmic destiny).
· Obama’s progressed Jupiter conjunct Lincoln’s natal Moon (opportunity for soul growth).
· Obama’s Pluto squares Lincoln’s Neptune (rebirth to regenerate prior sacrifice).
· Obama’s S/Node conjunct Lincoln’s progressed MC (past life resumes past objectives)
· Obama’s progressed Mercury-Mars square Saturn (urge to take on karmic challenge dealing with law (Libra) and government (Capricorn).
· Obama’s natal Saturn squares Lincoln’s natal Mars (challenge to repeat past actions).
· Obama’s Neptune is conjunct Lincoln’s Uranus-N/Node (sacrifice to repeat past purpose).
Both Presidents were born with a Uranus-N/Node conjunction indicating their main objective in life is to promote progressive changes for freedom and equality. Lincoln’s Saturn-Neptune conjunction in eighth house with its ruler Pluto in Pisces, imply death as a martyr. This tragic destiny was perfectly timed by progressed MC at 0 Pisces (renunciation) after he had accomplished his soul’s purpose and was assassinated.
At the time of Obama’s official presidential inauguration at noon in Washington DC, transiting Moon at 29 Scorpio was conjunct his natal MC and progressed part of fortune, square his Nodes, marking the critical turning-point moment of his past to future transition. Scorpio 29 is considered a powerful and critical degree that connotes reincarnation, justice, and love as a principle of redemption. The image described by Rudyard’s Sabian Symbols for this degree is, “An Indian squaw pleading to the chief for the lives of her children.”
An interesting observation is Obama’s natal Sun in Lincoln’s fifth house, which is believed to describe everyone’s next life. Also, at the time of Obama’s inauguration transiting Neptune was pointing straight at Lincoln, exactly conjunct his Sun at 23 Aquarius. No doubt, the image of his spirit was permeating our ethereal atmosphere
Difficult times await President Obama beginning in spring/09. When transiting Neptune conjuncts his South Node in the 12th house, the possibility of getting hurt by secret enemies from the past becomes paramount. By the summer, transiting Saturn will be conjunct his natal Mars and progressed Sun, while transiting Uranus makes the last opposition to his natal Mars.
The burden of his office will intensify; hard work and blocked ambitions by powerful forces, frustration, rejection, and obstacles that will require extreme disciplined energy and courage to overcome. By the fall, the difficult transiting square of Saturn-Pluto will exacerbate the problems when it forms a T-square to his natal Venus. What he values the most will be threatened, including his job. His difficult time will continue until it reaches a peak in 2011.
UPDATE 2012 - After difficulties reached a peak, he was re-elected to the presidency in November 2012 despite the increase on all the above difficult beginnings, which continue to intensify. President Lincoln was also re-elected to a second term under similar circumstances).
If President Obama is the reincarnation of President Lincoln, this is a very courageous soul for having assumed such insurmountable life challenges at crucial times in the nation’s history.
Once again, America wedged a schism between the privileged and the less fortunate like what led to the Great Depression, in addition to reaching dangerous levels of stagnation and backwardness. There are two on-winnable wars going on while enemies continue to multiply, and the national divisions resemble the Civil War times. And considering the Lincoln-Obama ancestry link to Jews and Muslims, we can anticipate his eagerness to resolve the ongoing Middle Eastern debacle (maybe this soul’s origin goes all the way back to that part of the world).
Obviously, this soul has again answered the call to restore balance and save the Union by redirecting it to the original principles established by the Forefathers. It takes an incredibly special soul to break the barriers that keep people in bondage thus holding back humanity’s evolutionary process.
Unfortunately, advanced souls usually do not live to see the fruits of their labor. But because they tried to make a positive difference, their legacy remains forever memorable. We should all be grateful for those evolved souls, and grateful for astrology that provides us with this type of awareness and enlightenment.
Charts analyzed: Lincoln’s natal chart and progressed for his death (4-15-1865, 7:22 PM, WA. DC), Obama’s natal chart and progressed for Inauguration (1-20-2009)
· (Abe Lincoln – 2-12-1809, 8:50 am, Hodgenville, KY)
· (Barak Obama – 8-4-1961, 7:24 pm, Honolulu, HI)